Chapter 29 - It's time

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Kind of drained from a long day of photo shoot plus Toni's visit but I still remember to call Taylor when leaving the strip club.

"Hon, I'll be home in 20 minutes. Do you want me to pick up dinner?"

"No babe, just come home, dinner will be ready." I love seeing Taylor cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

Something is different when I open the penthouse's door. The living room is dark, lit only by candles; freshly baked cookies aroma filled the entire place. I took a deep breath, this must be heaven. Where is Dibbles? She usually rushed to the door to welcome me home.

"Honey, I'm home." No reply when I close the door. After dropping my purse on the couch I walked to the dining room. My jaw nearly dropped to the ground, blood rushed to my head when I saw what's on the dining room table. A very naked Taylor lying on the table covered her body with food like sushi, California rolls, tofu and her most private parts were covered with cookies. My mouth went dry in no time, I was speechless.

"Babe, you want dinner or dessert first?" Taylor slightly tilted her head towards my direction and said with an alluring voice.

I could hear my own heartbeat. "I want cookies!" I striped to nothing and jumped on the table.

I was going to take the cookies that covered her breast but Taylor said, "No hands." Since when she became so kinky? "As you wish, my dear." I lowered myself gracefully onto her glossy moist lips for a passionate kiss before moving down to have a cookie.

"Bon appétit, darling," Taylor said before letting out a soft moan. So I finished dinner and dessert using the only utensil - my tongue!

"Taylor, why are you being so affectionate tonight? What's the occasion?" We are still lying on the dining table, facing each other on the side.

"Just because you are being a good girl today and also..." Taylor smiled and kissed my nose, running her hand up and down on my arm.

"Also what?"

"Also...I love you." Taylor looked into my green eyes.

I have a big grin on my face. "So if I'm being good I will get a treat like this every night?" I leaned closer to a heated kiss on her lips.

When our lips parted Taylor said "Maybe." She then got up from the table. "I'm sticky all over, this might be the last time you're getting this type of treatment." I pouted my lips but can't blame her for saying it, both of us need some good scrubs and the table is a mess.

"Where are the kids?" I asked, haven't seen them since I got home.


"Mer and Dibbles."

"Oh, I had to lock them in the guest room or else they'll eat everything on me before you came home. Will let them out once the table is clean." Taylor is peeling off the leftovers that stuck on her body.

I pulled Taylor's arm to motion her to lie down once again.

"Tay, speaking of kids. Do you want to have children? Real kids, not cats and I don't mean now but in the near future." I cupped her face lightly.

"Of course I do. I was going to ask you the same thing." She rested her head on my neck.

"We'll have beautiful babies together."

"Hopefully not as tall as you. You are abnormally tall."

"Hey, it's not like you are short, you know."

"We need to plan this. My parents will be thrilled. Your career just started to take off, I will carry the first child and we'll go from there."

"How many munchkins do you want to have?" I'm playing with her golden locks.

"At least two, you?"

"As many as possible."

"I'm not a pig!" Taylor got up from the table again to slap my arm and then ran upstairs to the bedroom.

"Oink, oink..." I chased her while making the animal sound.


With our jet-setter schedules, we still managed to spend quality together and celebrated our 1st anniversary on a private island in the Pacific. Shortly after we started to make the family plan. We told a few very close friends but kept it as a secret to her family, we want to surprise them. Lena was sweet; she did the research for us and read all the reviews. Seems like the sperm bank in California has the most reputable facility so we went there secretly and avoid the paps at all cost.

Taylor wanted to carry our first child with my egg and we bought multiple sets of sperms from the same donor since we plan to have more than one child. The procedure was done at the facility and all we do now is wait so we went back to NY to go on life as usual.


"I have a gift for you." After dinner on the night, I came home from Paris Taylor handed me a box with a small bow on it.

I was confused "What is it? Today is not my birthday."

"Just open it." Taylor smiled.

I opened it and inside the box is a pregnancy test stick that reads "Pregnant" I looked at her with my mouth wide opened. "Taylor!" I gave her a tight hug; "Thank you, thank you, thank you" Joyful tears were in my eyes. I bent down and kissed her tummy. "Hi, baby. Mama loves you." We've decided the child will call me mama and mommy to Taylor. We told her parents after Taylor visited her obstetrician to confirm the pregnancy. Her mother cried on the phone and came to visit a few weeks later so we could go for Taylor's first sonogram together.

I was nervous, this is the first time we get a visual image of the baby even though he or she is the size of a kidney bean and it's too early to tell the gender of the baby. We just want the baby to be healthy. I've set house rules for Taylor, forbidden her to do much of the housework. She's been blessed with very little morning sickness symptoms.

We were excited when the ultrasound technician started to move back and forth with the handheld Doppler on Taylor's stomach. Fuzzy images began to show on the monitor.

The female technician made a sound "Hmm..."

We all freaked out. "What's the matter? Something's wrong?" I nervously asked her while holding Taylor's hand.

The lady smiled, "Congratulations! Mrs. Swift-Kloss is carrying twins." We paused and then all cried with joy and took home snapshots of the kidney beans.

Taylor wanted to share the good news with her fans so she posted a snapshot to Instagram with "Our double delight." The picture almost brought the app down with so much internet traffic.

Babies due date were around Taylor's birthday. I rearranged my work schedule not to travel overseas for 2 months around that time and kept only local jobs. I have to be by Taylor's side when she gives birth, no if or but.

We attended Lamaze class together and I acted like a typical nervous spouse. Every step of this pregnancy was documented with photos and videos. Vogue magazine invited us to take a special photo spread and it became one of their best selling issues. While we staying in New York, other houses in LA, Nashville, and Rhode Island were renovated to accompany the additional family members.

Babies' genders revealed on Taylor's second sonogram, only family and a few close friends were informed.

Selena, Lily, and Abigail threw Taylor a huge surprise baby shower. Her close friends came and all the gifts would put a department store to shame.

The security team and I have been practicing all scenarios, we are more than ready. Her parents are staying with us for the past 2 months. Tonight after a wonderful meal made by her mother we were playing The Settlers of Catan board game.

"I won!" Taylor was laughing at her victory but started to breathe faster after.

"Hon, are you okay?" We all have the concerned look on our faces.

"I think it's time."

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