A night to remember

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Before you read this just know that there will be sexual themes used in this. In fact it's somewhat used in the end so yeah. You have been warned.

After the trivia it seemed like I couldn't sleep. My friends were all asleep. Romeo took over my life. My home. I felt hopeless. But when I arrived here I couldn't help but feel welcomed when Binta welcomed me. It's strange I only knew her for one day. But hey a guy like me who was a leader of the order of the stone. My name is known though beacon town. But my guess the name Jessie is getting more narcissistic due to Romeo. I got up and snuck out to breath some air. I look out and sigh as I leaned on the fence behind the cabin. "Seems a little late to be up don't you think?" I tense up a bit as I hear Binta's voice. "Binta." She walks next to me. "Sorry we don't have any stars here. All we have is this." She pointed out. I just let out a laugh. "Yeah. I'm not used to this but.. hey at least I'm able to talk to someone." She blushed as she heard that. She then shook her head to shake the flustered face she has. "So uh. Do you always talk like this? Or are you just good with words?" I rub the back of my neck as she said that. "I don't know do you consider my words flattering?" She giggled a bit. "Maybe." She tucked a strand of her hair back. "So. What do you think about all this? I mean it's nothing your adventures probably but hey at least you made it this far Jessie." Binta looked like she was worrying about something. "Is there something wrong?" She sighs and closed her eyes. "Yeah actually. I actually wanted to ask you something.." I turned my attention towards her and started to listen closely. "I'm worried.. that my people... no.. my friends here. Might not make it down here.. I fear the worst everyday." I see tears falling down her face. "I.... I want you to take them above.." I froze as I heard her say that. "Binta..." She then face's me. Her face flooding with tears. "You have to take them up above. You can't leave them down here. I don't want them to suffer...." She starts breathing rapidly as she cried. I then hugged her. Trying to calm her down. After awhile she calmed down and pulled away. "Sorry about that... I just want what's best for them. I've known them all for a very... long time.. I don't want them to suffer." I could understand her words clearly. She wanted the best for her people... her friends. I understood that feeling very well. "I understand. But Binta I'm more concerned about you. You do so much for these people. Did you keep all this to yourself for how long. Yet you still kept that smile upon your face. But all you want is to help and keep them alive." Binta looked at me. I didn't realize I had some tears going down my face. "All you want to do is protect the people you care about... even after your Fred..." Binta suddenly kissed me. It was so sudden but it didn't feel bad. It felt amazing. Like fireworks on a beautiful night. I kissed her back holding her gently. Soon we both broke apart. We stared at each other for a bit. Binta then realized what she just did and her face went red. "Oh my god I'm so sorry that when so sudden! Plus we just met and I-I just kissed you so randomly!" I laughed as she panicked. "Hey it's fine. You and I both know it's a too sudden but hey." I took her hand as she then looked at me. Something about her. It made me feel comfortable enough to share my experiences and emotions. She made me feel something I haven't for a long time. And that feeling I guess you could call it love. It was kinda creasy to admit though. As I looked in her eyes she then hugged me. I then gently wrapped my arms around her. I didn't wanna let go. But the moment couldn't last forever. Me and her soon let go of each other. "Well that's that... I guess we should go back inside.. it's getting late. Not like I could tell." She awkwardly said as I nod. "Yeah..." she smiles and then starts to walk away.  "Binta!" She turned around as she stopped. "I promise. I'll help take them up above. But I'll have to put them in a safe spot when we get up there." She then smiled as she looked like she was gonna cry again but managed to stop herself. "Thank you Jessie. I appreciate your help." She then walks away Smiling. I couldn't help but smile as well.


After we gone though the portal I saw beacon town, my friends, people. Everything taken over by the admin. I couldn't believe my eyes. My home became.... I don't know how to explain it but. It didn't feel like home anymore. Everyone looked miserable. And they think he's me. This couldn't be happening right? This is all a bad dream right? "Jessie? Are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard someone talking to me. I turned my head to she it was Petra. "Yeah.. it's just that.. this place.. these people... this atmosphere! It... it doesn't feel like home anymore..." Petra patted my back. I could have sworn Binta glanced at me. But I shook it off.

A days later

After defeating Romeo and getting beacon town back. I visited Binta more often. Her and the others started a little village. They're doing well and everything's great. Seeing her smile makes me feel glad I choose to make that promise. Seeing her smile. Makes me feel happy. When Petra decided to go off and explore I do admit. I wanted to go with her cause she's my friend but when I saw Binta I could tell see saw the whole thing. My will to stay got  stronger. I so I decided to stay. I bid Petra goodbye and she left. I helped Fred's people start their new life. A few of the beacon towns people decided to help them out. And everything was going well. Soon months went by and I decided to pay a visit to her. I looked around and her village looked more bigger. My guess more people decided to live here. Not that I'm complaining Binta is a fantastic person and a capable leader. I saw as some of the villagers went inside there homes as it was getting dark. I knocked on her door. She opened it and smiled at me. "Jessie good to see you!" She hugged me as I blushed a bit. She then invited me inside. "So how's it going?" I asked as she closed the door behind me. "It's good all good. Just came in to check on you." I then sat down on her bed. Her house was small yet gave a cozy vibe. She then sat down next to me. "Well I'm doing great. And thanks for keeping your promise. It meant a lot to me." She said as I saw a bit of blush on her face. "Hey if anything. I'd always help out a friend." She then looked at me. "But. Do you feel like... never mind." I then looked at her wondering what she was going to say. "Feel what? You know you can tell me." She then sighs. "Like we're more than friends?" I blushed as she said that. Now that I thought about it that kiss she gave me on the day we met. Now that I thought about it. I couldn't help but think of her more than just a friend. "Sorry it's a stupid question." She started to get up but I grabbed her hand. "I do view you as something more than that." She froze as I said that. She turned her head towards me. She was blushing. "In fact I think ever since the first night we met. I've felt something special with you. Something more.." she then sat back down. "I never thought you'd feel the same. Even though that night went a bit fast. I couldn't help but feel connected with you." I smile at her and tucked her hair back behind her ear. I cup her face. We then looked into each other's eyes and kissed. Soon the kiss turned into making out ending up being filled with passion. She then pulled away. "I don't wanna wake everyone up. It would be embarrassing if that happened." She looked away flustered. Which gave me an idea. I then gently place her down. I kissed her lips and then gone down. I took off her clothes while I did so. As I gone down. I then stop at her underwear. I looked up seeing her flustered face. But I didn't stop there I then pulled off her underwear. And started eating her out. She then covered her mouth. Trying not to make a sound. I could tell she was enjoying it. Her other hand gripped my hair as I continued. I wanted more but I knew we couldn't be too loud. So this would have to do for now. I then put one finger in her as I ate her out she had an even better reaction. She pulled my head away. "Jessie are you trying to get us caught?" She harshly whispered. As I just smirked at her. "I'm testing you to see if you can stay quiet. Besides don't you want me to finish?" I tease as she then got even more flustered. I took my opportunity and continued to eat her out. She gave out little squeaks of pleasure. As I did. Soon she ended up putting both hands on my head. My guess she was close. I continued and I heard her panting grow faster. She then came in my mouth holding my head down as she did her best to keep quiet. Biting her lip in the process. She then relaxed as she finished. Her taste wasn't half bad. I then got up and got next to her. She then kissed me and I kissed her back. Feeling her soft lips. But little did I know she got on top of me. I was caught of guard. She then gave me an innocent smile. But knew she was up to something. Looks like I'm in for a long night.

Hopefully you all enjoyed that. Been awhile since I've been in the Minecraft story mode fandom. And gotta say this was actually pretty awkward yet new to write about. Ya know exploring new things. I saw a person on tiktok want something like this so I was up to the challenge. So there we go! I do love the storyline. And gotta say Binta is one of the characters that caught my interest due to how she cares about her people and is willing to help the main character take down Romeo. Aka the guy that put them down there. So yeah if you'd like more I'll be glad to do so.

Binta x M Jessie! Minecraft story modeWhere stories live. Discover now