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It's getting dark. I was running back home so I can avoid dealing with monsters. As it got darker and darker I grew more aware of my surroundings. As I saw town up ahead. I heard a pig. I looked at the gate but I ended up checking out what was going on. It did sound a bit weak though. When I heard it again it was near a tree. I look over to see an injured little pig. It looked lost and afraid. I looked around to see where it family was but to no avail. As I was about to carry it back home it moved away in fear. "Hey it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to help." The little guy then let me carry him back. As I got into my house I set him on my bed and gone to my chest to get some carrots. Luckily I remembered I had some. As I got them I gave them to the little guy. I sigh a bit. "I wonder where your mother is. A little guy like you shouldn't be out there alone." I pet their head saying so. They then snuggled up to me. It was getting cold out their. I laughed a bit.
"Aren't you adorable." It falls asleep in my arms as I yawn and fall asleep myself.

The next morning

I felt a nudge. It was the little pig. Must want some attention. Or maybe their hungry. "Good morning to you to." The pig then hops off of me and starts running around. I laugh as they played around. "Hm. I shouldn't just call you pig. I gotta think of a name for you." The pig then sits down as I think. "How about Robert?" The pig shook their head. I was a bit shocked that they understood me but I got the hint and thought of another name. "Ruben?" The little guy gave a noise and I guessed that was an approval. "Alright Ruben it is!" I patted their head. As I then hear a knock at the my door. I get up and go answer it. "Hey Jessie." Olivia and Axel were at my door. I forgot I had plans today. I then let them in. Ruben then suddenly got behind me. "Aw who's this little guy?" Olivia noticed Ruben behind me.
"Oh meet Ruben. I found him outside of the town the other day. The little guy didn't have anyone around so I took him in." Ruben then gone up to Olivia and let him pet him. "You mean he was out there by their self?" All I did was nod as Ruben warmed up to her. "Ok but what about our plan to make our treehouse. We can't always hang out in town. Besides I'm getting tired of people staring at us weirdly." I understood why Axel wanted to make the treehouse. People looked at us weirdly cause we were a bunch of people who didn't look like they would normally hang out together. "Right let's get moving." As I was about to walk out the door. Ruben cut in front of me. "Ruben?" Ruben look terrified. I then sigh and kneeled down to his level. "I'll bring you with as long as you don't run off ok?" Ruben ran around me excitedly. I smiled as we then headed out the door. To build our treehouse outside of town.

Present time

Cold... it's so cold. My surroundings felt cold. I open my eyes to see something. I then got up trying to warm back up. My arms close to my chest. "Hello?" My voice echoed as I tried to called for someone. I started to walk in a direction. Not knowing where I was going. I soon felt my surroundings getting warmer and warmer. I then heard a squeal of a pig. It couldn't possibly be... I looked up to see Ruben. I then started to run to him. "Ruben!" Before I could reach him.....

I woke up...

Binta's pov

Jessie hasn't woken up yet.. I'm worried he might not ever wake up. He took a huge risk saving me. I'm very thankful yet sorry that he had to go though that. If I hadn't gone to the ruins to find something useful or cool. I wouldn't be sitting here worrying about him. I sigh as I then a bit of hair from his face. I kissed him and started to leave. I then heard something as I reached the door. "Ru- Gah!" I immediately turned to find him awake. I rushed over to him setting him back down. "Take it easy your still recovering." He then looked around to see where we were. "Where are we?" I was happy to see he was awake but still kept my cool. "We're back in beacon town. We left the ruins after we saw how bad you got hurt by the warden." He then gets a bit embarrassed for some reason. "Well that's embarrassing. You seeing me get defeated by a monster like that." He laughed to himself. I then pinched him arm. "Ow! What was that for?" I glared at him. "Don't turn the situation into a joke. You got injured badly. Besides you had no chance agents that thing with or without armor. I then crossed my arms as Jessie sighs. He tries to sit up again. "Binta.. I didn't mean to worry you I just-.." before he could finish I cut him off with a kiss on the lips. He kissed back and it never felt more sweeter. I then backed away from him and looked him in the eyes. "You could have ran to ya know? You didn't have to fight it." He then held my hand reassuring me. "I know it's just... that situation remained me of something that happened before I met you... and it included someone I cared about.." I then listened closely as he then told me about it. "His name was Ruben... he was just a little piglet outside of town. And his mother wasn't around. I took him in and it was nice to have him around. He was brave. More braver than me." He then gone on about him and Ruben were close and how he would spend his days being with him. It was adorable. And admiring how he told me about him and Rubens bond of their friendship. I could tell he was happy to get this off his chest and I'm glad he is to. But then his expression gone from joy to sorrow. I could tell this part was gonna be painful for him. "When I was about to go into the wither storm. He suddenly jumped in the cart and went in with me. And I was doing well... when... suddenly my weapon got knocked out of my hand... Ruben help give it back to me.... But then... things happen to fast and then... he..." I then see tears coming out of his eyes. I wiped his tears away and comforted him. To see his best friend die like that. In front of him.... That must had been very painful to see. I never knew how painful this could get for him. Until now... I didn't want to see him in any pain. Especially not pain like this. Now I knew why he didn't run. He didn't want the warden to kill me. So he tried to kill it himself. But ended up getting hurt. I feel sorry for him. I don't ever want him to worry about me more. He should be worried about himself and how he feels. I then let go of him as he then started to calm down. "Feeling better?" He nodded as he wiped some tears off his face. "Yeah... I'm ok now. Thanks for understanding." I smiled as I then gave him a kiss on the cheek. And got up. "Rest up ok. You still need to heal up and recover. Goodnight Jessie." I smile as he waved goodbye to me. I walk out of there heading back home. I wave my people goodnight as I head into my house. I laid on my bed and sigh. "I hope you get better soon." I then closed my eyes and fall asleep.

Binta x M Jessie! Minecraft story modeWhere stories live. Discover now