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As I felt the suns warm glow peek though the window. I forgot I wasn't in beacon town. Then opened my eyes to see Binta in my arms. She looked so adorable while she's sleeping. I then hear her make a sound as she woke up. "Morning." I smile at at her. As she opened her tired eyes. "Oh Jessie. Guess we got so carried away that you had to spend the night." She then yawned. As she got up. Putting on her clothes. "We'll last night was pretty interesting. We did see interesting sides of each other. Her face turned red as I made that comment. "I- ahem. Well I just hope we weren't too loud. Besides. They need sleep to." She said as she buttoned up her shirt. I wrap my arms around her waist. "I know. But when I'm with you I guess I can't help myself." I then kissed her cheek. "Well you should head back. Your friends might be wondering where you are." She then walks to the door. "Oh and thanks for being honest." She said as she then stepped outside. I smiled to myself as I grabbed my stuff. I headed back to beacon town. "JESSIE!" Radar then ran to me along with lucus. "I was so worried! You weren't at your home and nobody knew where you were! I was about to call an emergency search team for you." Radar said while panting. "I wouldn't go that far. But he's right. We didn't know where you were." I quickly thought of an excuse. "I was out looking for.... Resources....." the two then looked at me confused. "Resources? What type of resources?" Radar asked as Lucas was trying to figure out what's going on. "For something I'm building...." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't possibly tell them what I did last night with Binta. "You could have asked for help. Also asked someone to accompany you." Lucas then looked like he realized something. I could tell by the look on his face he knew why I didn't wanna explain why I was gone. His face grew a bit of blush. "Ahem! Radar we should... probably leave Jessie to his business. Let's get going!" Lucas then took a confused radar with him saving me from explaining myself. I sigh a breath of relief. I go to my place and relax for a bit. I dodged a bullet there. I then try my best to freshen up and went back outside and helped out the town's people. After a long day I was finally done. But there was a project I was working on. And I did need resources. But last night I couldn't get anything due to.. ya know. I then sigh and start working on some of the small parts. Due to the fact I'm low on resources I can't do much. I then knock something over. Causing me to groan in frustration. As I was about to go down to get it. "I believe you dropped this." I then look down to see Lucas. He then climbed up. "Thanks." I then took the tool from his hand. "What is this anyways you certainly weren't lying about a project. But yet again you did lie about getting resources." I then sat down. He then sat next to me. "Mind telling me why you didn't bother to tell anyone about this or where you were?" I just sigh as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well it's supposed to be a surprise to everyone but last night I didn't expect." Lucas then looked at what I was working on. Wondering what it's supposed to be. "Yet again you could have asked for help." I then looked at him and laughed a bit. "Your not wrong. But I prefer it to be a surprise to everyone. Including you." I pat his shoulder as he then smiled. "I appreciate the thought Jessie. But it looks like you still need material's. And you don't have much to finish your project." Lucas then looked at the chest as he said so. "Well we should head to bed. Besides you still have tomorrow to go out and find the resources you need." Lucas then got up and stretched out. Giving out a yawn afterwards. "Also if you need help finding then I'll be glad to suggest some locations if you need to." I smile. "Thanks buddy." He then walks away. "Night Jessie." He waved as he went out of view. But one thing stuck to my mind. I knew the project I was working on was a tiring. But I knew it would leave memories of us. I then sigh as I then called it a night. I put my hands in my pocket's. Only find find something. I pulled it out to see a strange item. It looked odd. "I don't remember having this in my pocket." I looked at the strange object in my hand wondering what it could be.

Meanwhile in the village of Fred's people.
Binta's prospective

I sigh as the day ended. A long day yet a peaceful village lives another day. I then look up at the ceiling recalling old memories. For some reason Jessie still managed to sneak into my thoughts. I couldn't help but get flustered as I remember the first day I met him. Even after all the time we've been though together I could never forget some things about him. He was tempted to go with Petra. I do admit I thought he was gonna go with her. But I was wrong. Though I felt bad for Petra due to the fact she gone on adventures alone. But still that was in the past. I then thought of last night between me and Jessie. When he admitted he liked me and felt a connection between us. My heart couldn't stop beating fast. His words were normal yet so serious at that moment. How could I not believe him. In fact how could I not fall for him. The fact he understood me and I understood him. He cheeks up on me even though his town makes him busy almost all the time. And the fact he and I even... "huh?" I felt my knees rub together. Was I really getting excited over thinking about him. I then just took the covers and tried to sleep over it. Little did I know something would happen in my dream I didn't expect.

Binta x M Jessie! Minecraft story modeWhere stories live. Discover now