Recovery Worries

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Quick warning!
This chapter has language, sex, and suggestive themes. So yeah. If you'd like to know which part it will be at I'll mark it from beginning to end. Also sorry for the long wait. Anyways....

Jessie's pov

My injuries healed quickly. But I was told to take some days off from adventuring or working for awhile. I do admit my body feel a bit weak. When I held a sword in hand it felt heavier. So I decided still work on my project in secret. While also training with a training dummy. Radar was doing great at being a leader but sometimes he'd come to me for advice. After a few days I felt I got the hang of my sword again. I also finished my project. Lucky it wasn't in town. So it's easier to hide. As I got back I noticed I was late. I did fight some mods and got some drops. They could be useful. As I then got to the gates I stopped in my tracks. I look over at Binta's village. She hasn't spoken to me for awhile since the accident. Well expect when she visited me once. All I did was sigh and went though the gates. I then step in my house and flopped onto my bed. I sigh as I looked up at the ceiling. Tomorrow I go back to work. Don't get me wrong I liked helping people but ever since we went to the underground city I realized how Petra was right. About how I spent less time with my friends. But yet again Axel, Olivia and I agreed on picking a week within a month to catch up and hang out. But still wouldn't that take to long to wait for? I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

The next day

As I expected it was busy. I helped many people though out beacon town. During the middle of the day I finally got some free time to myself. I sigh in relief as I then sat down in my house. As I spaced off a bit however. I heard a knock at my door. I groan in annoyance. I opened the door not bothered to know who it is. "Hello-.. Binta?" Binta stood at my door looked a bit awkward. I then noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing a dress. I get a bit flustered seeing her. "Wow... you look-... Ahem! Is there something you need?" She giggled a bit. She then took my hand. "I was wondering if you would like to spend some time with me. You are free right now right?" All I did was nod as she then smiled and took me somewhere.

Binta's pov

It's been busy ever since I came back. People were worried about me. Due to Jessie's injuries. I assured them I was fine. And that Jessie just needed time to heal up. Soon after I visited him I started having some problems left and right. Such as "my plants won't grow." Or "my house got blown up by a creeper!" And many more. I help my people. I really do. But soon I got wrapped up in all of the work that I barely got to see Jessie. When things were finally stable again I the. Heard Jessie had some free time to. I then had an idea for an event for us. As I got ready I heard a knock at my door. I went over to see nobody was there except a box. I took it inside and opened it to find a dress. It also had a note. Saying

Hope this can help make your date more romantic! Wouldn't wanna go out in the weather in those clothes of yours. -signed Lukas

P.s. I found a cliff side near by. Heard it's nice enough to watch a sun set. Here's the map for it.

I then smiled. Never knew Lukas could be so sweet. But how did he know about what I was planning? I guess I kinda made it obvious due to me running around all day talking about my plans. I put on the dress and it looked perfect. Not to fancy. And is able to be worn outside. I loved it. I then got my stuff and headed out to see Jessie.

As we got to the cliff Jessie was amazed. Lukas was right. It did have a nice view to watch the sunset. I can tell. I then sat down. Jessie looks down at me. I patted the ground next to me and he sat down. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arm around my waist. As the sunset came I couldn't help but smile. As I felt Jessie near me. Not only was this the perfect spot. It was a comforting memory I'll treasure for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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