New adventure

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"Long ago stood an underground city that held ancient artifacts and weapons beyond anyones imagination. They even made a mob that will protect the empire. It even had more health than the ender dragon! Mysteriously the people of the city disappeared without a trace. That's when people tried to find the underground city. But to no avail. Nobody's found it this very day. But now I may have found proof it exists. Which is why I ask you all to come with me to find it!" Ivor finally finished as me and my friends were somewhat listening. Axel fell asleep. While Olivia was listening. And Lucas was writing down something. I then woke up Axel. "I was listen! Is he done talking?" Olivia rolls her eyes while I laugh. Lucas then looks up but scratched his head in a bit of confusion. "Ivor your saying people lived underground where mobs are and technically made a mob to protect there empire-." Ivor then cuts him off. "City." Lucas then clears his throat and corrects himself. "Sorry city. That has more health than the ender dragon itself. And somehow they just.. magically disappeared. Sounds like a fairytale to me." Ivor sighs in disappointment. "I know it sounds like a myth. But is is no myth you've ever seen before! Because while I was in the mines trying to find some materials for something I was gonna build! I came around this!" He then pulled out a block me or my friends seen before.

"There was only one I came across! But I know when I found it! It was near by

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"There was only one I came across! But I know when I found it! It was near by. Which is why I want us to find it and bring home something from it. Maybe even learn something new along the way!" I then turned to my friends. And they all nodded. "I guess boomtown can wait. Besides it we fight a monster and get good loot out of it. It will possibly be cool!" Axel says while cracking his fists. "My invention's can wait. I'd like to know what the city looked like!" Olivia saying with excitement. "What do you think Lucas?" Lucas then sighs and looks at his book. "I could snake another chapter in the book I'm writing." Ivor then proudly smiles. "It's time for ADVENTURE!!!"

We all then get our armor on and walk to the mines. My friends then walk into the mine. But before I can. "Jessie?" I turn to see Binta. "Oh hey Binta!" She looked at me up and down knowing well this isn't how I usually enter the mines. "Jessie is there something going on?" I sigh in defeat and nod. "Ivor found something in the mines that could possibly lead to an underground city. And there's also a monster down there. So don't worry we'll take care of it. But you can stay here and be safe." Binta then got a bit worried. "What! No your not going down there. It anything you gotta take me with you." She then tries to go past me. "No. It's too dangerous. You could get hurt!" I grabbed her hand. Trying to stop her. "And you can to. So it will be fair." She then crossed her arms. "Jessie what's taking you so long? Oh hey Binta." Lucas came up to check on me. "Binta is insisting she'd come with us." Lucas then looked over to Binta. "Are you good with a sword?" He asked her. Binta then smiled proudly. "Yes! I've defended my village from mobs before." Lucas then shrugs. "Seems able to defend herself. She can come with." He says as Binta then smirked at me. Her confidence was both annoying at times yet attractive. I sigh in annoyance. "Fine! But at wait for us here. I'll take her to the armory to get some armor." Lucas then nods. "I'll keep make sure the others know." I then take her to the armory.

At the armory
Binta picked out her armor and it wasn't much or too flashy. But still it worked. And I do got to say she looked great. Even more than great. She looked liked amazing. As if she knew what's about to come her way. "Alright! Let's head to the mines." I then snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh! Yeah let's get going." We both then headed to the mines. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked very proud and confident that I can't help but feel attracted to her. "Your staring Jessie." I blushed in embarrassment. "You noticed huh?" She then laughed a bit. "Of course. You make it so obvious." We then arrived at the mines and head in. "There you two are. You took so long." We then group up with the others. "Ok Ivor what's the plan?" We then go over the plan. Ivor detailed in specific detail. And even had a backup plan in case things went wrong. After that we then ventured off to find the city. "Here's the landmark I placed. Now then! Stick to plan and if anything bad happens remember plan B! Now then! Let's get searching!" Ivor then leads on while me and the others ventured off into the deep mines. "Hey want do you think the city looks like?" Binta asks while we walked to find the city. "Probably old and rusty. With tones on blocks we've never seen before." I answered as she closely listened. "Thought you might think that. My idea is that it's nothing like we've seen-..." we then look out to see the underground city before our very eyes. "Before.... Whoa." She said in amazement. "Whoa in deed."

To be continued.
Next up.
Secrets of the underground

Binta x M Jessie! Minecraft story modeWhere stories live. Discover now