Curious Cat

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Years ago before the wither storm.

Jessie's pov

"Ugh why does it have to be morning already.."
I woke up early to get a head start in the morning. I freshen up myself and grab my stuff. I walk out to see some of the people had already woken up. I groaned as I knew what today was. The building competition... every year I enter with a team. We end up losing. Due to me always losing nobody wants to team up with me. I then head over to the location where it's hosted every year to forfeit. With no team I have no chance at winning.

"Oh come on! What do you mean I need a team? I don't need one I'll do fine on my own!"
I heard a female voice yell as I then looked up to see a girl. "Sorry dear but in order for you to participate you need at least two people." The girl then gets frustrated and looked as if they were about to cry. Everyone was looking. I didn't know what I was doing but suddenly....
"I-I'm with her!"
The girl turned to see me as I awkwardly stood there. "Oh? And is there another person with you?" I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck as the girl then sighs in defeat. "Im with them. Sorry I'm late." I then look behind me to see a tough guy walking over. I couldn't help but feel intimidated.
"Ah! Alright your booth 2!"
The girl then smiled and happily stepped in. Me and the other guy then stepped in. Once we got to booth 2 things got awkward. "Hey uh... thanks for doing that. I would have gone home if it wasn't for you guys." All I did was smile. "Hey no problem. My names Jessie by the way." I lended my hand for her to shake. "Im Olivia. Pleasures mine." She smiled as she intruded ourselves. "I'm Axel." We both turned towards the guy. "Sorry If I scared you off. I actually don't mean any harm." All I did was smile at him. "Well Axel it's nice to meet you." Axel then smiled back. He felt less scary now that we got to see it. "Alright! Everyone welcome to this year's building companion!!" Everyone cheers as we all went pale. "Oh no! Quick! What are we going to build!?" Olivia panicked. As I then pull some items I have. And so did they.

After the competition was done

We lost. Guess that's what we get for rounding up random strangers. Now they're probably gonna ditch me to... "don't worry guys we'll get them next time!" Axel said trying to lighten the mood. I looked up at him. Next time? They're... actually gonna stick around? "How are you so sure?" Olivia says. Axel only smiled confidently. "Cause next time we'll be ready! Duh!" He then pulled us both in for a hug. "ACK! Axel I can't breathe!!!" Olivia complained. I laughed and smiled. For the first time. In a long time.

I finally found real friends....

Present time

"Hey Binta would you rather fight zombie sized chickens or chicken sized zombies?" Olivia asked as i were in the shelter. I then laughed a bit as I heard Olivia's voice. As I realize we're I was. I then got up and went over to them. "Hmmm tricky question..." i smiled as I saw them getting along. Meanwhile I saw Axel and Lucas chatting. Im glad my friends are getting along. It feels like forever since they lighten up to people other than me. "Sleep well mr Jessie?" I jump as he scared me. "Um yeah... also just call me Jessie. No need to be formal." They nodded as they then gave me something and ran off somewhere. I looked around to notice Ivor wasn't here. "Hey has anyone seen Ivor?" They all shrugged or shook their head not knowing where he is. I then sigh and decided to look for him myself. As I was looking I end up gaining view of that portal thing again. I couldn't help but stare. Wondering what could possibly be on the other side of it. I didn't realize I was how long I was staring. "You shouldn't stare to long. The curious cat always gets killed..." I jump as Jaime scared me. What is up with these guys and sneaking up on people. But yet again you don't know what happens down here. And the element of surprise is actually good at times. "Look I mean no trouble. But have you see. Ivor? He gone missing." They tilted there head a bit. I then sigh. They definitely didn't pay attention to us. I wouldn't blame them. They didn't want us to stay long. "Creepy guy, obsessed with this place, seemed fascinated by this place." They then knew what i meant and point in a direction. "Thanks." I then went over there to seen him looking at something. "This texture.. it's so old! If I touched it would it turn to rubble? Or would it remain? Gah!!! How exciting!" He excitedly says as he jumps around happily. "Ahem!" Ivor then turns around. "Oh! Jessie! Ahem. Good morning." All I did was grab him and dragged him back. He wined as I did. When we go back I let go of him. Lucas and Axel look over at me and Ivor. "Keep an eye on him so he doesn't run off again." I crossed my arms as I looked at Ivor while asking Axel and Lucas. He nodded so did Axel. I then sigh and sat down next to Binta. Binta then placed her hand on mine. I then held her hand while she was talking to Olivia. All I did was smile as the day or night went on.

Binta x M Jessie! Minecraft story modeWhere stories live. Discover now