Secrets of the underground

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"Are you guys seeing this?" Olivia said i shock. Seeing the city right in front of us. "And there are more of these weird blocks." Lucas crouched down to touch it but Ivor stopped him. "Don't touch anything! Yes this may be the city. But remember! The people that used to live here were smart! Which means there could be traps!" Lucas rolls his eyes. We then continued to walk. We see more and more structures we've never seen before. "How long do you think this has been down here. I mean. If that weird stuff is like the ground up above. Then for a very long time. Like thousands, trillions! So many questions so little time." Binta says excitedly theorizing. I smile at her. Her getting excited over this. Her theory's are cute. Even when it comes to this it's cute. "Whoa... that's huge!" Axel says. We look up to see a portal like place. It was far away so it was hard to tell or not to see what it is. "Perhaps is get a closer look at it." Olivia walked on the weird block and suddenly I heard something. And I turned my head to see something. "OLIVIA! LOOK OUT!" She quickly ducked and ran towards us. I quickly take out my sword ready to fight. The thing let out a sound that shook me to my core. It was terrifying. As soon as it was about to make its next move an arrow hit the monster. It then let a screech of anger. I then turn my head to see someone in the building. "Quickly! Follow me!" A sudden figure yells as we then run to safety.

After a bit we go into some kind of building.

Binta's pov

We gotten to sit down and calm down from what just happened. Meanwhile the people that saved us didn't look like they were from here. There clothes and armor look more rare than most. "So... do you guys live here by chance?" One of the strangers turned their head and nodded. As they then take off there helmet. "Your lucky the warden didn't kill you before we got to you." They're voice was calm yet threatening. "Well thanks. We owe you one" Jessie comes in. The stranger nods while putting down there helmet and weapon. "You all should get back to the surface. Your not ready for what's down here." Jessie sighs and I can tell he is agreeing with them. I then got up. "No. Please we are only here to see what's down here. And we also wanna make sure the people in beacon town are safe from that thing." Jessie turned to me trying to signal me to back down. "Of course. As long as you don't step on the sculk. Then you won't trigger the sulk sensor. The shrieker can alarm the warden if you get to close." The stranger then explained. "Well then we'll stay off it. And keep exploring." I confidently say. As the stranger then laughed a bit. "You wouldn't last a day down here. You'd be dead by daylight." Jessie then steps in. "How about we just go back and think of a better plan?" He says. As I then crossed my arms. I am determined to see what we can find here. History, relics, secrets, danger's. I want to go on this adventure. And I will finish it. "No Jessie. We came down here cause Ivor informed you guys about this place. Also not to mention that weird portal looking thing." The stranger then went a bit pale. "You saw the portal..." me and Jessie then turned to them. The tone in there voice sound concerning. "Yeah why? Is that a bad thing." The stranger sighs in a bit of annoyance. "Yeah of course. No one from above ground is supposed to see it. Other wise. They'll try to light it up and go into-..." they quickly shut up as they then realized they said to much. "Into what?" I asked a bit worried what we were going to deal with down here. "It doesn't matter... all you need to know is that your not welcome here. You must leave now." After they said that we heard an explosion. "Ugh not creepers again..." the stranger grabbed there weapon and went other side. Me and Jessie went after them. "What is going on here!" The stranger said in a threatening tone of voice. "Uhhh sorry Jaime! The creepers got the better of us today." The second stranger explained. The person known as Jaime looked disappointed. As they then took they're weapon and gone off to fight off the creepers. The third stranger lost their balance and tripped. As Jessie was about to step in. I immediately went in and helped them. "You ok?" I asked them as they got up. All they did was nod. As they then picked up there bow. It looked more different than other bows. And they didn't seem to have arrows. They then pulled the string back and that's when a glowing arrow appears. They quickly took out a creeper. Not one but two. I was impressed. I then quickly snapped out of my thoughts and helped with the creepers. "Binta! Look out!" Olivia yelled as a creeper behind me was about to explode. The second stranger quickly took them out. "Careful there! Wouldn't want to get your head blown off." They tried to laugh off. After the fight we were tired. "Man that was embarrassing for me. Sorry for not keeping my guard up." They rubbed the back of there neck. Jaime sighs and just messed up there hair. "Your still learning. But if you still wanna guard this place you have to keep your guard up for any surprise's Ren." They then said to them. "Learning? Learning what?" Lucas then asked them. They then turned as they heard the question. "How to guard our city of course. We can't just sit around and do nothing." Lucas wonders for a bit about something. He then stares over in a direction. "Are you learning how to handle that thing?" I moved in a direction to see the monster... the Warden...... "We already know how to avoid the Warden. So no not that exactly." Ren says as they scratch there head a bit. "Then what for?" The quiet one looks up to Jaime and sees there annoyance. They then walked up to Lucas with a book and write something down. When they were done they gave it to Lucas. Lucas then read it. "A gate way? I don't understand.. you mean the portal looking thing?" They nodded and took the book back. "Thank you Isla." All they did was nod as they then ran off to somewhere. "Where are they going?" Axel then watched as she ran away. "She's going to her post. To make sure to keep an eye on the warden." Axel just shrugs as Olivia focused more on the weapons they had on them. "What are those made out of? They don't look like your everyday tools you see." Jaime then looked at her weapon. "It's an ancient weapon that was forged before we when into rubble. If I'm being completely honest. I don't know how it's still together." Olivia just looked at us and back to them. "Wait so your saying that. That weapon! Has been around since the dawn of the city's uprising?" Ivor asked the question before I could. "I wouldn't say that long but yes. During the time of when we were a thriving city." Stunned by those word I started to wonder more and more. If those weapons were that powerful and the warden was stronger than the ender dragon.....

What is behind that portal?....

To be continued

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Curious Cat

Binta x M Jessie! Minecraft story modeWhere stories live. Discover now