Chapter Nine

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It'd taken three washes but Fallon had finally gotten all the orange spider goo out of her hair

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It'd taken three washes but Fallon had finally gotten all the orange spider goo out of her hair.

She began setting up candles throughout the room, she placed a picnic blanket on the floor, two glasses of wine, a charcuterie board, some flowers, and a strawberry shortcake.

It wasn't as perfect as Fallon would have liked, she had more planned, but the day had gone by so fast, and she didn't have the time she needed.

But it was okay she'd set something cute up for Hope, because she deserved it.

And if Fallon could, she'd give her the damn world.

If she could capture stars she would.

And if Hope asked, she'd set the world a flame too.

Fallon stands from the blanket sighing softly, she looks around the room and wiggles her fingers, lighting all the candles, a light purple glow to the room.

Fallon smiles happily, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling too much, butterflies dancing in her stomach as she waits for Hope.

SZA playing on a record player she had.

She wrung her hands, nerves settling as the first five minutes passed by.

Hope was never late.

Fallon bites her lips a little too hard, blood begins dripping down her chin, she sighs, Quickly throwing up an illusion spell for when Hope came, she then makes her way into her bathroom to clean herself up.

Fallon looks at herself in the mirror, a funny feeling swimming in her stomach as she looks at the blood running off her lip and down her chin.

She looked like a vampire.

Fallon laughs out loud.

She'd be a hot vampire.

Not that she could ever be one.

There were only so many monster's she could be.

"How'd that happen?"

Fallon looks up in the mirror, catching the blue eyes she was impatiently waiting for.

"I bit my lip," she breathes, relieved at the sight of Hope, butterflies in her stomach.

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