Chapter Forty One

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The sun warms the earth in a golden hue, the green open land gleaming with pride as a herd of wild horses grazes through it's wondrous blades, but towards the outskirts of the pasture, hidden in the tree line sat a wavy haired girl, auburn locks f...

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The sun warms the earth in a golden hue, the green open land gleaming with pride as a herd of wild horses grazes through it's wondrous blades, but towards the outskirts of the pasture, hidden in the tree line sat a wavy haired girl, auburn locks falling down her back, and she watches the horses as she did every spring. Quiet giggles slip through her lips as she watches a foal take its first steps, wobbling on its awkward legs. The young girl hums in content, brown eyes beaming with unbridled happiness, completely unaware of her mother who offers her an apple.

The young girl jumps, laughing when she sees her mother, taking the apple with a grateful smile, "May I feed the horses?" she asks, unable to contain her excitement as she shifts her weight from foot to foot. The divine mother chuckles lightly, brushing the top of her head, "Of course, my Jem," she nodded, kissing the top of her head, watching as her growing child ran across the field, the horses unfazed by the child.

Arwen sighs as she watches her daughter, overjoyed that after years of birthing children one had finally turned out just like her, "Careful, dearest, they are still wild!" she shouts her warning, the wind carrying her voice over to the frolicking child.

The auburn haired girl only laughs in return, her light run coming to stop as she watches a young horse linger at the edge of the field, she changes her direction instead growing closer to the chestnut mare, who quietly grazed.

"Hello," she greeted kindly, a smile on her face, an apple gently outstretched in front of her. The chestnut horse neighs, pausing in its movement only slightly as they sniff the air by the red fruit cautiously. The young girl holds her breath as the mare inches forward, still eyeing the girl curiously, and her smile grows wider when it takes a chomp out of the apple. She laughs when it goes back for more, eating the fruit with much more gusto, "See!" she hums, "I'm not going to hurt you," she promised, letting the horse sniff at her hand, looking for more food, and the mare huffs lightly as she rests her nose on the girl's hand. She beams with joy at the act, carefully rubbing the horse's muzzle, not wanting to spook it, but the horse only leans into her touch.

She giggles, running her hands on the white of the mare's face, "My names Guinevere, but my siblings call me Jen."


Lizzie watches as Hope Mikaelson sighs in frustration, pale fingers pulling at the roots of her hair, pacing back in fourth as she murmured incessantly, and after about two minutes she clears her throat. "If anyone is going to know what's wrong with Raf it's going to be Fallon," the Saltzman reminds the auburn as she crosses her arms and sits back in her seat, "If my mom and dad, your a thousand year old vampire aunt, and our library of magical afflictions has no answers than maybe the god you currently have in a sleep spell will," she remarks with a sarcastic smile, tired from the unrewarding day. Hope rolls her eyes and her pace slows as she looks at her girlfriend, "I know that," she sighs in defeat, running her hand over her face, and with pursed lips she lifts her hand, waving her pointed finger and thumb up. "Surgere," she casts, brown eyes immediately snapping open.

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