Chapter Forty Six

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The sky was a shade of gray, rain beginning to drip from the darkened clouds and wings of fire fly through them without difficulty

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The sky was a shade of gray, rain beginning to drip from the darkened clouds and wings of fire fly through them without difficulty. He pauses, green eyes trailing over a back alley, a vampire feeding off a blonde woman. Distracted, the vampire never noticed the being descending on him sharply, knocking him off the woman he'd been feeding off, and in the same breath he'd thrown the man roughly into the brick wall behind him. Pressing his forearm into his throat and slipping his hand over his mouth. The man sputters as a mud-like substance is pushed into his mouth, causing him to choke as it is forced down his throat, a look of malice in once caring green eyes. The vampire's once amber eyes are consumed by darkness, his body relaxing, all the fight he had vanishing in an instant, and with a satisfied smirk Malivore pulls away.

"Get me the muse. Alive."

The man nods robotically, the sound of bones cracking echoed through the alley as an orange light illuminates the small space. Wings break through flesh and bone, erupting from the vampire, his veins now licked by fire, and with one swift jump he flies off into the night, the rain above them now at ease. Cries are heard from further down the alley, the blonde woman gurgling on her own blood, and still she crawled away; a desperate attempt to survive.

He releases a chuckle, an amused half smile on his lips, his already dark demeanor darkening furthermore as he approaches the dying woman. She whimpers as he kneels beside her, shaking her head as he covers her mouth with his hand, tears mixing with her still bleeding wound, and she gags as thick substance is pumped into her mouth and forced down her throat. Tears fill her brown eyes until darkness finally overtakes them, and her struggle comes to a stop. The wound on her neck was now healed and green consumed her skin along with moss and plants alike.

"Follow him," he commands, releasing the now transformed human, his superior race slowly in the making. The blonde woman nods automatically, rising to her feet before a set of earthy wings made of vines and lichen erupt from her back, and she shoots into the night sky; the rain settled, allowing the stars to now shine through.

Malivore hums, running a hair through wet curls before walking down the alley and blending into the busy street as the party never seemed to end in New Orleans. He drifts through crowds, scouting for a new victim and waiting for his minions to bring about his muse, who would inspire a way to kill The Tribrid, and finally rid himself of the monster that could end his life.

Making him the most powerful being in the world.


Fast footsteps echo through the metal shop as a goddess quickly throws essentials into a duffle bag, having received a call from a worried Tribrid, recounting what had been happening to Fallon over the last few months, and it was safe to say that Jen was worried too. It was a surprise to her how Fallon had lived this long the way she is, powerless, and well almost soulless, but she had theories.

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