Chapter Thirty Two

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The ocean rocked against a brown boat, the waves eager but gentle, promising peace and warmth. Leading her towards a hidden paradise where heaven meets earth and all sins melt into nothing, as if they'd never existed at all.

Hope Mikaelson turned everything into nothing, and everything into something.

She chased away the darkness allowed in the light, and with a mere touch of her fingertips; Fallon's fickle heart turned into dust. Cracking the hardened exterior and revealing the vulnerable organ, bathing it in a light shower of compassion, cleansing her of all fickleness and selfishness.

The Mikaelson healed parts of her souls she hadn't known needed healing. And Fallon would always be grateful for her kind touch and soft patience, that she'd happily given her home to grow in, to love in, a space where only the two of them existed.

A life together.

But Hope couldn't chase away all the darkness, for where there was light there was shadows and where there was shadows there was darkness; you see the two could not exist without the other. It was a balance no one could replace.

No matter how hard they tried.

The Sphinx's prophecy had sent chills down her spine, forever floating in the back of her mind, serving as a jarring reminder that out running faith was nearly impossible, and if they managed to do it; what would it change? And would it be for the better? Or would worse claim them?

Fallon had no idea, only that she longed for peace.

How could someone so young bear such a heavy weight? How could she continue her life knowing what destiny would take? Would she be bound to a lonely fate?

"Have you seen Landon?"

Josie Saltzman's worried question filters through the empty room, brown eyes settled on Fallon's stiff form. "Not a good time," she spoke plainly, a small breath slipping past her lips as she shakes sand off her hands, rising to her feet. Josie scowls approaching the barrier, "Make it a good time."

Fallon lifts a dark eyebrow, a scoff leaving her lips, "Making demands now, Josiekins?" she questions mockingly pushing past the brunette, steps light but purposeful, "How foolish," she hums, ignoring the Saltzman that chased her up cement stairs, until she's abruptly pressed into a stone wall, a knife to her throat. "Tell me where he is," the angry brunette spat, pressing the blade further into tan skin, drawing blood, "Or else."

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