Y/N - When you have a tantrum

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"Leave Daddy alone while he's shopping baby, go play with Tete oppa hmm?" Jin shooed their baby girl away with one of the maknaes.

He was trying to do some online shopping, but the resident little was hovering over his shoulder, pointing out things she wanted.

As much as they loved spoiling their baby (and they did, way too much) they really had to stop giving in to her tantrums as often.

Jin was just buying a few bits that they couldn't get in stores.

Her adult sized diapers, pacis, some new plates etc.

It had been a while since they got any supplies, so Jin had sat himself down to do some serious shopping.

Unfortunately, Y/N kept finding her way into the elders room, pestering him for more toys, and he just needed to get this done without any mishaps.

For about the millionth time in the last half hour Jin heard a little voice go, "oh daddy! Cans have this? Its so cute :(" she pouted up at him, her big eyes blinking.

It was a small octopus toy, and their baby, LOVED octopuses, she was obsessed with them.

Jin looked down at her apologetically, "princess, you have so many toys already hmm? Daddy is just getting you some more diapers..." he mumbled, not seeing the tantrum that was brewing.

The little began to sob loudly, much to Jins horror.

"Oh baby don't cry..." he picked her up and attempted to soothe her, it proved useless as she continued wailing.

The maknae line stumbled into the room, shock on all their faces as they saw their hyung holding a crying, screaming little.

"Look baby its your oppas!" Jin pointed at the maknaes, who all smiled at her.

She stopped, everything silent, before beginning to wail again.

Jin groaned, handing her to Jimin to see if they could do anything to soothe her.

30 mins later and they were still at it, trying to calm her down.

"Y/N if you be a good girl you can have icecream for dinner!" Yoongi said as he wondered in.

The little immediately stopped crying, giggling as she ran to the kitchen.

The 4 men looked at Yoongi in disbelief as he scoffed at them.

"You guys have a lot to learn about looking after a little huh..."

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