Chapter 2

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Hey guys

This is more of a filler chapter so you can get to know Saph's relationship with her brothers. i hope you enjoy!

P.S please vote comment and fan, so i know that some people are reading it so i dont just ditch the idea. thx!


Chapter 2

Who made alarm clocks? Who ever it was, I hope they burn in hell. I reluctantly got up the next morning feeling completely and utterly...gross. My face felt itchy from the tears and m eyes barely opened. I stretched and got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

After rinsing all my tears away and cleaning myself I wrapped myself in a towel and came out. Wow, I felt better, not awake but better. I cranked up some music, as I got dressed in my worn out black converses, jean shorts, white tank and blue and white chequered over shirt. I chucked my head in a bun and grabbed my bag, put my iPod in my back pocket and slipped my phone into my bra. Yeah, I know a weird habit but I'm not some girly girl who carries a purse to put my crap in, I like to keep my hands free to be honest. I went downstairs and in the kitchen, I saw two muscular boys inhaling their pancakes as if the world was gonna end. Then they burped. Ahhh, great to be home, I thought smiling to myself. I made my entrance into the kitchen, mimicking a concerned look.

"Gosh, you really have not changed have you, still eating like cavemen, I really do not see what girls see in you," I said smirking. Their heads snapped in my direction.

"Saph!!!!!" my older brother, Xavier, said running up to hug me.

"YOUR HOME" my younger older brother, Stefan, also said coming to grab me in a huge bear hug.

As they approached, I put my arms out as they came towards me. As they were about to touch me, I

stepped to the side so they both missed me by a couple of centimetres sending them sprawling onto the carpet behind me and as they groaned in pain, I cracked up, laughing, holding my tummy with one arm and holding on to the door frame with the other for support. Still as stupid as they used to be my brothers, can't help but be proud of them.

"Gosh, it is like you don't know me at all," I said suppressing the laughter that threatened to escape. "Do you really think that hugging me is easy, you have to earn my hugs." I pointed my nose in the air.

My brothers gave each other knowing looks and I knew they were taking about me, I tried to listen but they blocked me out. Damn, see what am I meant to -

Suddenly, I was tackled to the floor by two hug weights that sent all of us into a pile on the floor.

"Hey little sis, how are you," Xavier said, repositioning himself so he was sitting on my legs.

"Yeah we haven't seen you in so long," Stefan said, sitting down on my back.

"Oh my gosh, what do you eat! Bricks! Get your fat asses of me now before you disable me for life!" I said in as pain shot up my legs, I think they were cutting off my circulation.

"Did you hear that Xave" Stefan said, feigning deafness.

"What did I hear?" Xavier replied. He was sporting a huge grin on his face. Bastard.

"Guys!!!!" I screamed thrashing about.

"Kay, kay we're getting up," Xavier said getting up,"

"Take your damn time," I muttered, getting up and dusting my shirt off. I relished the feeling of blood pumping through my body.

"Come on, sis, we've wasted enough time sitting on your fat ass, time to go to school." Stefan grinned at me.

"Grab something and let's go," Xavier said. I grabbed a piece of toast and headed to the car.

We rode in the car and it felt just like old times, it was awesome to be with my brothers, I barely got to see them before. When we arrived at school, I noticed that as soon as Xavier's foot stopped out of the door, everyone's heads turned towards him. Typical. The demented girls at this school find my brother, my fat ugly annoying brother attracted. I snorted. Puh-lease.

Since I was in the back seat, snuck out of the car so I could avoid all of the attention that my brothers brought. Then, I suddenly knocked into something. Damn wall. I opened my eyes to my brothers

looking down on me

"You're not getting away from us that easily." Xave (Xavier) said.

"Pssshh, I wasn't sneaking away. I was just looking for my...earring?" I said making it sound like a question even to myself.

"Yeah, uhuh right, Saph, even people who do not know you know that you hate wearing earrings" my brother said thinking. I hate when he does that, makes him way to smart for his own good. "So common, you have been away from us for long enough, let us escort you to the office and Welcome to Regent's High."

Knowing that I was not going to be able to get out of this, I sighed and said "come on then." They flanked me, one on either side. I think they thought I was gonna run. Well, at least thy know me better than I thought they did. Suddenly I set off in a sprint into the school, I heard their yells behind me, I laughed evilly to myself and looked back at my brothers who were trying to catch me. I continued to run, ignoring all the stares, attention and 'are you crazy' looks I was getting. I saw the office in sight. I was almost there when I was swooped into someone's arms. Looking down, I knew it was Stefan. I struggled and for some reason, this made my brothers laugh. We were building quite the crowd now. I think that people in this school really need to get a life if my brothers and I laughing is something to be interested in. Suddenly the crowd dispersed in a hurry and I heard someone clear their throats. I turned slowly in my brothers arms.

"Miss Holmes, Mr Holmes and Mr Holmes. This is not a playground, this is a place o learning and I expect you to treat it as such." The man said gruffly. I wonder who the voice belonged to. I voiced my thought.

"Sorry, but who are you?" I asked not caring about my tone of voice. I heard Xavier and Stefan gasp, probably at my bluntness and maybe rudeness, but to be honest it was a harmless question.

"I am Principal I.P. Rainwater, and I hope the many shenanigans you did in you previous schools are not repeated in my centre of learning." The balding tall man said sternly. I didn't know what I found funnier, that his name was I.P Rainwater or that he used the word shenanigans. Trying to keep a straight face, I gently removed my brother's hold on me so I could feel the ground again. Then, I got my schedule from nearby and turned to him, faking a smile.

"I am extremely sorry for this behaviour, but I must get to my first class, I really shouldn't be this late to my first ever class, so I'll catch you later I.P." I turned on my heel and sniggering to myself, I went to my first class.

"It is Principal Rainwater." I heard yelled from behind me, I burst out laughing. I had a feeling I may enjoy this school.


So i hope you enjoy the chapter. Please tell me how to improve and stuff. i relly would like to hear your opinion. i promise that the next chapter will be better..... and soonner :)


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