Chapter 4

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sorry guys slightly later than i said but you know, sometimes i get carried away with reading the stories tha writing my own :)

Im really sorry, but this is a shortie, :( but i shall attempt to make the next longer :)

but i know it is not very werewolfy at the moment but the story really kind of starts in the next chapter, so stay with me!

Well i wont disturb your reading no longer, TO THE STORY!!!!


Chapter 4

Drake and I were walking between classes, laughing and joking which had become normal to us.

"so seriously," I said, recovering from my last fit of laughter, "does anyone take our principal serious, I mean, I.P Rainwater, who can say that with a straight face,"

"yeah, he's really new to the school, I think he started early last year," he said. "and he said and I quote," he straightened up and put on a squeaky, nasal voice, " I am determined to change this into an institution of gifted and well-behaved children ready to face the challenges of the world head on."

We both burst out laughing, "He might as well go into some Martin Luther King and say the 'I have a dream' speech." We continued walking and laughing down the hallway.

I saw my brothers turn around the corner and they were heading towards me. I grinned wondering whether they got into any trouble with I.P this morning. Looking up from their conversation, they smiled at me and as soon as they looked over to Drake, their expressions clouded. Oh dear, he comes trouble.

They strode over towards us in long strides as the crowds parted for them as if they were royalty. Within seconds they were towering in front of me, giving glares of ice to Drake. To be honest, I felt quite short right now, me with my small frame and these six foot boys over me. I found it quite demeaning.

"Iveson," Xave growled, striking fear even into me.

"Holmes and Holmes," Drake said back smirking. Boys are such idiots, what do they think this is, a wild west showdown or something. I snorted.

"Saph, what are you doing with" Stefan looked disgustedly at Drake, whose smirk had not moved an inch of his face, "That."

"yeah Saph, why you hanging out with the scum of this place," Xave said as the vein on his forehead began to throb, this was a sign of when Xave was drunk or angry, I think it my be the latter, but the first is provable. I decided that maybe it was my time to speak up.

"Xave, this is my best friend here, Drake, Drake these are my annoying brothers," I said smiling trying

to lighten the tension. I failed.

"Yeah, I know how he is; he's second in command in the douche-bag pack!" Xave growled. Well isn't this going well.

"I'm just making sure I heard this right, are you upset about your sister and I being friends," Drake asked innocently smiling. He is just rubbing it in now isn't he?

"Shut up, Iveson, was I talking to you? No, no I wasn't! So shut your face before I disfigure it." Stefan said. Well, he seemed upset. I smirked and sniggered to myself, disfigure sounds funny.

"Woah, woah, woah Holmes. I'm not looking for any of your trouble, so you no peace and happiness and stuff, we're just hanging out," he said casually, still smirking and shoving his hands in his jeans pockets, and I will repeat he was still smirking.

Then, my brothers stepped closer closing the distance, my brothers had eyes of steel and Drake was no different. They were so close now, their noses were almost touching. It looked like a fight may break out so I did the honourable thing and decided to end the stare off.

"okay guys, that's enough," I said pushing in between them causing them to stumble backwards.

"Xave, Stefan, you know I pick my own friends so lay off, and Drake, if you want us to be friends you have to cool it with the attitude okay."

All three of them looked down in shame, they all seemed almost cute in a way, but then I looked closer. I could still feel the anger coming off of them in waves, but they can't risk shifting here, that means exposure to humans and we don't know if there are any here so they really need to cool down.

"Now, we have settled this, come on Drake, you need to drop me off in Art," I said pulling his hand.

We began to walk away, when I was pulled back, I turned round to see it was Stefan. "no, we'll drop

you off, so tell your little boy toy to shift his stupid ass self somewhere else," he growled, tightening the grip around my wrist. Before Drake could answer with a smartass reply, I yanked my hand from his grip and turned on him, my eyes hard.

"Stefan Holmes, you better watch yourself, no one, and I mean no one tells me what to do," I said deathly quiet. He looked shocked so I believe he got the message. I turned on m heel and walked away.

"Come on Drake," I yelled over my shoulder. Drake's arm was slung over mine instantly. Just knowing what he would do, I said "stop making faces at them, Iveson," he turned away from my brothers quickly.

"Sorry" he said.

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