Chapter 8

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sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry it is so late, life has been hectic, i have felt freaking sick for days. Yep life is a bitch.

So i apologise fo the lateness, can we try and get bakc onto the lists please, i have suddenly plummeted and i need to get back up ;)

so please double figure votes please.


10 votes .. if you can please


Tanks you guys, and now onto the story


Chapter 8 - Soulmates

Prick, prick, prick prick, PRICK!!!

Why ruin such a nice moment. All night, I couldn't sleep and when my eyes closed, all I could see was his annoyingly perfect face, which I really wanted to punch. Since I was restless, I decided to go for a run, I hadn't been in wolf form in ages and I kind of missed it.

I got out of bed and changed. I jumped out of my window, the impact spread evenly over my four paws. I had done it so much; it didn't seem to affect me much. I put up a mental wall, so my dad and brothers would not be able to find me.

I began to run, faster and faster as my paws flitted over the soil, my wolf dodging all of the branches that hindered me. While in wolf form, I always feel so free, it kind of gives me time to think. I thought about the last couple of days. Wasn't I meant to be happy I got my mate? I thought that I would meet him, fall in love easily, and go to college, children blah de blah. Even though I don't seem like it, I do want a happy ending.

I stopped by a lake. It was beautiful. I looked all around me in awe, m wolf gently growling with happiness, this place felt like my perfect utopia. The trees huddled round the lake, causing their shadows to float gracefully on the water. The moonlight shone almost majestically on the lake, illuminating it and making it shimmer. The night was totally black and the silence and peace was almost deafening.

I went to the edge of the lake. I saw my black wolf look back at me intrigued. I suddenly had the desire to swim, so since no one was there, I just changed back and dove into the water. Though the night was cold, the water was warm whilst supporting me. I felt as if I was floating on air. I dived underwater, taking in the beauty of the lake's bed. The water was surprisingly clear.

Then I heard a crack, a snap off a twig. I looked back up to the surface and swam back up. I climbed out of the water, clutching my naked body. Why the hell didn't I bring clothes, how stupid am I? I heard movement again this time it was closer. Damn, why did I come out now and alone? I am now gonna get attacked and never see my brothers and my dad again. Thanks to this person or thing in the tree, I am gonna be found dead and naked. What a way to die.

"Um, I'm not gonna kill you know," a familiar voice said speaking out from beyond the darkness. The

person stepped out. It was Drake, since I could not smell Tyler's strong scent. What is up with me always saying my thoughts out loud?!

"What the fuck?!" I yelled my voice echoed and my hands were gesticulating, momentarily removing them from protecting my lady parts from show. I quickly put them back and blushed.

"What do you mean, I can come out whenever I want to, and you don't own these woods." He replied. He crossed his arms and leaned against a tree truck, his intense gaze on me.

"You are such a pervert," I yelled at him, considering picking up dirt and throwing at him, but I dared not to remove my hands.

"It's not my fault you decided to swim in your birthday suit!" he said back, "You don't come across that everyday."

"Well, I can't be bothered to keep covering myself, I am too tired and you have seen it all already with your perving so can I have you jacket?" I asked, dropping my hands, not being bothered to attempt to save my dignity, it went out of the window along with my pride a long time ago.

Without taking his eyes off of my body, he just simple nodded and shrugged of his jacket. I put it on ad it was about mid-thigh, which was better than I expect to be honest. I zipped it up.

"Since I do not know m way home, you can walk me pretty boy" I said patting his cheek, waking him up from his daze.

"Kay then, if you will m lady," he offered me his arm, I laughed at his corniness and walked on forward without him.

"Wrong way midget!" he said and I glared at him, contemplating a way of murdering him. Number two,

do not, under any circumstances, insult my height. He pointed to the right. Flustered, I took off in the right direction.

As we walked back to my house, we laughed and talked like usual, with the odd comfortable silence here and there. It was nice, especially on a night like this. We then soon arrived at my house.

"Well I will see you-"my word we cut off by his lips. He kissed me gently and me, basically a kissing virgin did not respond.

"I'm going to talk and you listen," he said after he kissed me, resting his forehead on mine. Breathing deeply, I simply nodded.

"From the day I saw you enter our classroom, I have liked you so much, maybe, verging on love. You do not know how long I have wanted just to kiss you to feel that bond I think we have come to life. If you want to be friends, I'll be okay and try to get over it but I had to let you know how I felt." He paused to breathe. I opened my mouth to reply. He pressed a finger to my lips.

"Don't say anything now, I will let you think about it and you can come to me when you are ready. I hope the feelings I feel for you are mutual I will see you tomorrow." He said. He kissed the top of my forehead, gave me a hug and left.

I was left speechless for the first time in my life, wearing Drake's jacket, shivering underneath my window. Well that has made everything a hell of a lot more complicated.


Done peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry its late again, being sick is a bitch, just looking at the screen gave me a headache, but thank you so much for fanning, commenting and voting on my story, it means a lot.

10 votes


You know I love you guys xxx

Yours Sincerely


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