Morning princess

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Once again, I was in my bed with Springtrap. He was on top of me, head stuffed into my neck. Yesterday, Springtrap went to go and get Delilah and then Dave came home. Delilah and Nick went out and I decided I would do Nicks work for the night. I ended up staying up until four am until finally finishing and going to sleep.

At this moment, I was petting Springtraps head as his breaths hit my neck. His nocturnal state was soothing to me and left me in a comforting mood that let me relax into him as he did the same. 'I wonder what would happen if Nick.. or Delilah found out about us..' I thought, scratching my head and moving some stray hairs out of my face. 'Or even worse.. what if Peyton or any of my friends found out? They would kill me.' I giggled at the thought of getting harshly yelled at by Kylee and her overly high voice when she yells.

I then thought about what my parents would think. Sure, they would probably be dissatisfied but would they accept it? Would they accept that I am dating a dead man that was stuffed into a suit thirty years ago and now all his remains are probably somewhere else? I thought hard about this. If they were still alive..
I decided I would go downstairs and cook something to get my mind off of it. I slightly and gently pushed Springtrap off of me even though it took all of my strength.

I wandered off downstairs, almost tripping on a step but catching myself. I'm pretty sure Delilah was still asleep and I was half asleep myself. Considering it was only 6 in the morning. Two hours of sleep is definitely not enough. Now I know how Dave feels I guess. I went into the kitchen and opened up the cupboard to find a bunch of cereals. I picked up a box of Fruit Loops and poured myself a bowl. I got the milk from the fridge and poured it in until I seen the flavoury loop start to float up.

I put the milk away and sat at the table, looking at my phone and munching on the cereal. After scrolling on TikTok for a while, I finished the tasty breakfast and put my bowl in the sink, rinsing it so any excess cereal would not stick to the bowl. I then wandered into the livingroom and plopped down onto the couch, going back to scrolling on TikTok. I have to say, being the only one up was the best. Delilah didn't drain my energy and I didn't have Springtrap on my tail at all. Even though he is cute and I love hanging with him, sometimes being by yourself is just the best way to go for an hour or two.

I didn't notice that someone was coming down the stairs and heading into the kitchen while I watching TikTok, technically hanging upside down on the floor against the couch. I looked over and seen Springtrap. He looked like he was looking for something that he lost.
I snapped my fingers to get his attention and when he looked over at me, his face turned to a more conserved one.
"Why are you sitting like that?" He asked, walking over to me and sitting criss-crossed beside me on the carpeted floor. "Because it's comfortable." I continued to gaze at my phone until my hand grew tired and I put it down.

"Watzup." I said, looking over to Springtrap who was fiddling with a strand of my hair. "Why did you leave me up there?" His one ear went down but the other stayed up, looking prideful.
"I was hungry and wanted some food." I exclaimed, spotting something in Springtraps neck. I raised and eyebrow and breathed heavily, getting out of my position and climbing on top of him.
"What are you doing?" He asked, certainly confused. Putting his hands on my waist, he sat me down in his lap. Now I was too low for me to reach the seemingly toothpick that he had in there.

He chuckled and leaned down, expecting me to kiss him. I wrapped my left arm around his neck and pulled him down more, so that he was closer to my reach. My right hand went up to his neck and quickly pulled out the toothpick.
"What's this huh? How many more do you have in there?" I moved his face side to side, looking for more. He gently brought me hands down and leaned back upwards. "Just that one. Shouldn't you be sleeping? You stayed up till 4am.." Springtrap turned into a reminder machine and I groaned, having already been fully awake at the moment.

I nervously chuckled and got up.
"We need to wake up Delilah! She needs to ea-" "No. Y/n you get back here right now." Springtrap demanded, pulling on my arm as I tried to escape his question. "I'm fineeeee!! I don't need to-ahhh.. go back to sleep.." I yawned mid sentence and covered my mouth. Springtrap gave me an unamused look and harshly pulled me down to him.
"Your not going or doing anything today until you get more rest that just two or three hours." I groaned at Springtraps motherly behaviour, tilting my head back. He gave me a quick kiss, making me quickly turn my head back to him and give him a surprised look.

Soon enough, I was tossed over his shoulder and we were heading back upstairs. "Nooooo..!!! Springy I'm fineeeee!! I don't need to.. rest.." my sentence slowed down again as I yawned, again. Springtrap chuckled and put a hand on my butt. "Hey!" I silently shouted out, carefully not to wake up the sleeping Delilah. "Your yawning. And your not as energetic as you normally are so you obviously need more rest."
Springtrap argued, squeezing my ass as we reached my room.

I was tossed onto my bed and before I could get up and escape, I was pushed down harshly by Springtrap. "No. I'm going to get up either you like it or not!" I argued back, trying to free my hands from Springtraps. But then I was pulled into a deep, loving kiss that shut me up as Springtrap glided his tongue into my mouth. He wrapped it around mine, coating it with his saliva. He then pulled away, sliding his tongue back into his mouth and loosening his grip on my wrists.

"Will that keep you here?" He asked, somewhat seductively and soothingly.
"I.. I-um.." I stuttered through my words, trying to think of as quick response.
"That's what I thought. Now get some rest or I will send you to sleep another way." I wondered what that way was until I figured it out.
"Oh really? And what will you do huh,
big boy?" Again with the nickname. He devilishly smirked at me and brought my hands above my head. "Oh your in for it now, Princess~"
End of Chapter Twenty-Seven.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

Words: 1193

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now