Ive never seen a man cry before.

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Here we are, my sitting on the bathroom counter with my head leaned back as Springtrap cleaned and "properly" bandaged up my chin. I looked at the ceiling as he did it and took notice to the small little details in the walls and ceiling.
Then I winced and tightly held my teeth together as Springtrap tightly bandaged my chin. Then I took notice to a spider, crawling across the ceiling. Right above my head. "U-uhm.. can you kill that." I muttered, trying to keep focus on the spider so that I wouldn't loose sight of it.
"What thing?" He asked, letting go of my chin as he had finished bandaging me up.

"That thing!" I screeched, watching as it jumped from the ceiling to the counter, right beside me. I quickly hopped off and bumped into Springtrap. "That little thing? Tsk.." Springtrap hit the thing and squished it to death, dragging its blood and legs on the counter.
Then I backed up from Springtrap.
"You'd better wash your hands and that counter before you lay another FINGER on me." I demanded, going out the bathroom and closed the door, leaving him alone in there.

I quietly chuckled and sneaked away, going back to my room and continuing to finish my uncles work. Then I thought about my bank account. 'How did I even get that much money? What am I going to do with it? I surely can't spend it all..
Actually, first I should give at least some to Nick. He works so hard as a parent and is just barely able to afford the insurance for his car and the house bills so I'm sure it would be a big deal for him. And then he would be able to take Delilah out more often. I think that would be my first choice with the money..' I thought, putting hard thought into my actions with the money. I heard my door open again and in came Springtrap.

"All clean. Now can you tell me what was in your drea-" "fuck off."
"Okay then.." Springtrap lazily sat himself down on my bed and waited for me to finish with Nick's work. I needed to get this money thing off my back though, it was driving me crazy and I knew I couldn't keep a secret as big as this.
"Springtrap. Can I tell you somethin that you promise not to share with anyone else?" I asked, turning my chair around.
"Is it about your dream?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"No, it's not. It's serious." Springtrap groaned and fell backwards on my bed.
"Then no, you can't." He joked, giving a chuckle through his breath. I took a deep breath.

"Today, when I went shopping, I went to an atm to grab some cash and to check my budget, but when I looked-" "you've spent all your money?" Springtrap interrupted, holding back a smirk.
"No! Not even close!" I said, smacking the side of his head. He rubbed it and stuck his tongue out at me. I did it back and then sat back down in my chair.
"I've got exactly 45.5 million dollars in my bank account and I don't know how I got it." I exclaimed, crossing my legs.
Springtrap immediately sat up and gave me a dumbfounded look. "I don't believe you." Springtrap sassed, crossing his arms. "I can show you. Look."
I said, pulling out my phone and going into my bank account info to check my balance. It was all there. Springtraps eyes turned from bored to shocked, carefully taking my phone and looking at my info.

"No way.." "yes way." I giggled at this and took my phone back, turning it off and back onto my desk. "Your literally rich. What are you still doing here?"
Springtrap asked, putting more effort into his posture and fixing it. "I can't just leave here! I don't want to anyways.. the first thing I'm going to do with the money is give some to Nick. And then some into Delilah's bank account." I explained, spilling my plan to Springtrap as he listened. "You need to tell Nick." I nodded my head in agreement and bit on my thumbnail. "Like, now. Go." Springtrap said, lifting me out of my chair and pushing me out of my own room and downstairs.

Once we got there, Nick was almost done cooking dinner. "Nick. I've got something important to tell you." I said, going up to him and standing beside him. "Hmm? What is it?" He asked, moving his attention from the food to me.
"I.. erm.. I checked my bank account today and I seen I had 45.5 million dollars in it." I said once again. Nick gave me a shocked look and dropped the utensil he was using. He picked it up and placed it on the counter then turned back to me.
"Y/n. You do realize what you could do with that money, right?" He asked, putting his hands onto my shoulders.

"Yes, I do. And the first thing I want to do with it is put 5 million in your account and 5 million in Delilah's account." I stated, straightening myself up. Nick's eyes were now watering just a little as we made eye contact. "Really? You'd do that?" Nick pulled me into a hug, tightly squeezing me. I hugged back and leaned into him. "Yes, yes I would. I want to help you with your bills and insurance so that you and Delilah can live your lives to the fullest." I exclaimed, us both pulling away from the hug. I had never seen a man cry before but I guess this was it. Nick had a smile on his face as tears ran down his cheeks. "Thank you, so so much y/n. How could I ever repay you?" I gave a soft smile at him and pulled him into another hug. It looked like he needed it.
"You don't have to repay me. As long as Delilah can live happily and you won't have to worry about anything, that's how I will be repayed." I was beginning to get emotional too as I hugged him tighter.

End of Chapter Thirty-Nine.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1054

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now