Sounds like love to me~

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Springtrap brought Delilah to Harry's house and he told me he would be back. So for the time being, I'm okay Britney Spears on my speaker and making meat pasta. I got some skinny and long noodles out from a cabinet and poured them into hot, boiling water. I stirred up the sauce I had prepared and put a little bit of salt in it to bring out the taste a bit more.
Then, the best song came on. I waited for the right moment in the song and then it came. At the perfect time too.

I whipped myself around to be met with a surprised Springtrap, standing at the door. I gave a nervous chuckled and suddenly I felt small. "What the heck was that?!" Springtrap shockingly said.
Meanwhile, I was trying not to laugh because the music was still playing and he started stomping his foot to the beat.
"Do you like Britney Spears..?" I nervously asked, turning back around and mixing up the noodles. "I don't know who the fuq that is." I gasped and took the wooden spoon out of the pot.
"You don't know.. who
BRITNEY SPEARS IS..?" I started to get serious. 'This motherfucker doesn't know who the Queen is. No, not Queen Elizabeth the II. THE ACTUAL QUEEN.'
"Ahah.., Uhh... no..?"

Before Springtrap could process anything in his dumb, stupid brain, I was now chasing him around the house, getting ready to beat him with the wooden spoon.
"WAIT-! Y/N! I-AGH-!" I got him.
He was not on the ground and I hit him on the back of the head with my spoon.
'I love this spoon.' I then licked the spoon and immediately became upset.
"I haven't added enough flavour to that sauce." I mumbled, running back into the kitchen and getting some more salt and other things for it. Before I put the spoon back in the pot, I gave it a little sniff and gagged. Hard.

"EWWW THATS- EUGHHH- DISGUSTING!!" I yelled, putting the spoon in the sink. Then I realized, 'OH MY GOD I LICKED THAT SPOON!' I thought. I turned on the tap and began to rinse out my mouth. That dang spoon stank so bad because Spring boi over here got his nasty, crusty, musty gunk all over it. "SPRINGTRAPPPPPPP!!!" I shouted throughout the house. When he walked in, I turned off the stove and got a wet cloth with soap. "I'm cleaning you."
"Y/n. No."

Before Springtrap got a chance to run, I threw the cloth in his face, causing him to stall his movement for a moment and I got the chance to knock him down.
I sat on top of him and took the cloth off of his face in victory, watching as he growled, making a upset face at me. "You know, it's very hard for me to resist hurting you right now." Springtrap mumbled, looking away from me. "Huh? What was that? I didn't quite catch what you said." I teased, wiping off his cheek. He scoffed at me and grabbed my hand. "H-hey! Ouch!"
I whined, pulling my hand away from him. "Sorry.." Springtrap said in a grumbly voice. I sighed and flicked his forehead, hurting my nail in the motion.
Springtrap chuckled at me and I stuck my tongue out at him, slapping his face with the cloth. Before I could get it back, he swiftly took it off his face and threw it at mine, making me fall backwards on him. 

"Y/n, I said no so no." Springtrap said, sitting upwards. "You smell like absolute shit man. I don't want Delilah or Dave to get sick from how bad your hygiene is.
I almost threw up smelling that spoon after I smacked you with it." I snapped, sitting up and crossing my arms.
"Excuse me?! That's quite rude of you." Springtrap said, pretending to be offended by it and putting a hand to his chest. "Says the one who's been trying to kill me." I said, picking up the cloth again and smacking it against Springtraps chest. It slid down, taking off all the gross green to reveal a greenish gold colour.
"That's disgusting how much came off and onto that rag." I spat, taking the cloth off of him. "Deal with it." "No fuckin way man. I'm gonna clean you either you like it or not."

I got back on top of him and began to clean him. This time, he didn't argue back and just accepted it. This reminds me..

"GET OFF OF ME YO-" "SHUT UP YOU RODENT!! YOUR FRICKING DISGUSTING AND JUST SIT IN YOUR OWN FILTH!!!! SO LET ME CLEAN YOU, YOU OVERSIZED GHOUL!!" I shouted, getting fed up with his crap. He finally just shut his big mouth and let me clean him.

'That dream.. I can't believe it was a dream. it seemed all too real..
I could even feel pain. Your not really supposed to feel pain in dreams are you? Unless I don't know, it's a nightmare? Oh my gosh what if it was a nightmare?! Well it didn't seem like one to me..' I seemed to be lost in thought. Springtrap got annoyed because I was consistently rubbing at one spot on his face.
"Y/n. Are you still there or..?" He woke me from my thoughts, startling me a little. I noticed how clean the spot was and nervously laughed, moving to a different area that wasn't clean. "Yes, im here. Just.. thinking about something."
I exclaimed, taking a deep breath.
"Alright. What's up with that dream. It's like you can get it off of your mind so tell me about it."
My face grew a little flushed at him wanting to know what it was about.

It was about him. All about him. How we loved each other and grew to know it.
How could I explain it to the real him?!
"I.. umm.. I wouldn't know where to start.." I muttered, moving to one of Springtraps ear and beginning to clean it.
"Start anywhere." I thought about it for a moment and sighed.
"Well, I woke up in the dream as if it was the next day of the one before, you were cooking breakfast and Delilah was sitting at the table. Everything looked as It should. I seemed a lot more... saddening in it though. And you were the one to comfort me in it. And after a while, I uhm.. grew feelings for you? And apparently you had felt the same but we both didn't know it? And then I thought I liked another boy and I did a few.. unspeakable acts with him and it all went downhill because I didn't know how to tell you and how you'd react. But then I told you, we both got into an arguement and that's when we told each other that.. you know.. and then I ended up..- I should probably stop talking now." I said. My face was as red as a tomato and so was Springtraps. "Having dreams about me already huh?~" Springtrap flirted,
getting close to my face.

I backed my face away from him. "No! No, no, no, no! It was like it was real! I couldn't control what was happening! It just happened!" I said, starting to
scramble up my words. Springtrap only chuckled at me. "Sounds like love to me~" he played, only getting closer to me. "No! Stop it!" I shouted, getting even more embarrassed. Springtrap laughed, leaning back and tilting his head up.
And then guess what fell.

A toothpick.

End of Chapter Thirty-Five.

That has got to be the most dramatic ending I have ever written. Anyways,
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Stay tuned~

Words: 1304

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now