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Springtrap was gone when I woke up. I blinked a few times to get used to the brightness and looked around. His warm, heavy body wasn't on me anymore. I wanted it. I got up and walked out of my room. When I made my way downstairs, I seen Springtrap cooking pancakes for little Delilah who sat on the counter beside him. I chuckled and snapped a photo of it with my phone, making a loud 'clicking' noise. They both looked at me and then laughed.

"You two seem to be having fun." I said, walking over to them and sitting on the counter next to Delilah. "Mhm! Springtrap is letting my out chocolate chips into my pancakes!" Delilah happily exclaimed, holding up a bag of chocolate chips. I chuckled, covering my mouth with my hand and looked at Springtrap who was already looking at me.

"Would you like some pancakes, dear~?" Springtrap playfully said, nudging my leg with his hip. I blushed at the nickname once again and nodded my head, soon after looking away from him.
Delilah gave us a cheeky smirk and hopped off the counter, heading into the living room and sitting down on the couch. Meanwhile, Springtrap had now trapped me as he leaned against the counter, his hands at each of my sides.
I looked away from him as he put on a smirk and got closer to my face. But, he moved his face towards mine and kissed me, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

This had turned into a make-out session and what we didn't even realize was that Delilah was watching the whooooole thing. "I KNEW IT!!!" She yelled, jumping off the couch and running towards us.
"YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER ARENT YOU?!?" Delilah shouted, tugging on my pant leg. "I-" "Yes. Yes we are." Springtrap cut me off from my sentence and I had gotten off of the counter, walking to the living room. But, my wrist was grabbed and he pulled me back to him, pushing my chest against his.

Delilah backwardly walked away up to her room to leave us alone with a smirk on her face. Meanwhile, Springtrap had gotten closer to my face with a shit-eating smirk on his face. "S-springy, I-" "Shh.. don't speak." My face turned more embarrassed as he shushed me and touched our noses together. Then, I decided I would try to play along with his games. "Don't shush me boy, unless you want me to punish you for such rudeness." I played along, leaning into him more. Springtrap did not expect this and his face turned a light pink, being shocked.

"That's what I thought." I snarled, getting out of his grip and to the dinner table, sitting down and turning my phone on.
Springtrap was silent since then, making pancakes all alone in the kitchen. I felt bad and decided I would try to cheer him up. I went up behind him and hugged his waist, Springtrap tensed up a little but eased. "Who is this?" Springtrap asked, trying to turn around but I moved to his movements so that he couldn't see me.
Then he turned his head 180° and gave me a unamused face. I nervously chuckled as I let him go and backed up a bit.
"What was that for?" Springtrap asked, clearly annoyed. "I was just playing aroundddd.. you looked so lonely over here! I didn't want you to be lonely!" I made a pouty face at him and his face softened from the tense one he had on before.

He smiled at me and brought his hands to my waist, pulling me closer to him. When he started to lean forward into my face, I began to lean backwards, arching my back. He slid his hand up my shirt and held my balance, spreading his hand out on my back and keeping me from falling.
He continued to lean forward and his sweet smile turned into a evil grin. He stopped himself like, two centimetres away from my face and used his other hand to push my head forward, pulling me into a kiss. I didn't pull away, in fact I leaned more into it. But when I tried to fix my posture, Springtrap pulled me back down to keep me in a half-bent position where he leant forward to kiss me.

I felt like I was going to fall but Springtrap kept me up, sliding his tongue into my mouth. A few moment later, I was running out of breath to breath as he deeply kissed me, leaning me back more.
I tried to push him away but he grabbed my hands and pulled them off to the side, making sure I couldn't move them. I was getting serious now. I couldn't breath and Springtrap wasn't backing down from this. I felt myself getting weak and my legs were going to fall. But then I felt Springtrap pick me up, not breaking the kiss until he was standing up straight again with me in his arms bridal style.

Once he broke the kiss, my breathing picked up, trying to catch my breath.
Springtrap chuckled at me and kissed all around my face, leaving my nose for last.
Once I was able to talk again, I growled and gave him a mean face. "I couldn't breath! Why'd you kiss me for so long?! I could have passed out!!" I said, clearly getting angry. Springtrap just laughed and I hugged. Then I got the idea.
"You know what. That's enough of this." I snapped, getting myself out of his grip and walking away from him. "Darling, I'm sorry!" Springtrap jokingly said, trying to keep his laugh in.

I made a 'Hmph' sound and plopped myself on the couch, crossing my arms.
Delilah just giggled and leaned on me, snuggling up to my arm. I put my head on hers while I watched the show that she was watching. 'Hey I used to watch this show too.. it's called Sam and Cat! Came out when u was little..' I thought, bringing a smile to my face. I used to always come home from school, put my stuff away and sit on the couch just to watch the new episodes of it. I would lie to my parents about not having homework just to watch it. That was terrible because I always skipped sleeping to do it. That's probably why I got a lot of the answers wrong.. oh well. Anyways, Arianna Grande did a really good job on the role. It's too bad that her hair had to be dyed so many times. She can't even wear it down because it's so damaged.. I could never live like that. I would probably shave my head and let it grow back healthy again.

I had gotten too much into my own thoughts and didn't even realize that I had Delilah snapping her fingers infront of my face. "Springtrap!!!! She's not doing anything!!! She's just sitting her and staring at nothing!!" Delilah yelled, getting Springtraps attention. "Hey! I'm fine! I was just thinking about something!!" I yelped, not wanting Springtrap to come in here. But, too late for that. "Are you sure y/n?" Springtrap said from behind me, looking down at my still body. I just scoffed and looked away from him, getting back into my comfortable position and ignoring him. He made a sad sigh and I could hear his footsteps walking away.
This was going to be a long day..
End of Chapter Thirty!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I'm sorry it took so long to come out!

Words: 1279

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now