Mrs. Money in the Bank!!

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Liv Morgans POV:

It's finally here, money in the bank. I'm so nervous but yet so excited! I'm certain I'm going to win the brief case this year, then cash in to win my first ever championship!

Im getting warmed up backstage, confident going into the match, till I see Becky Lynch come up to me. She stand beside me and looks me up and down, then let's out a chuckle. "Can I help you?" I ask her. "Why bother even train for this match Liv?" Becky say letting out another chuckle. "We all know your going to screw it up at the last moment, and let everyone down like alway."

"I mean take our Day 1 match as an example, you were this close to wining that raw woman's championship, but you let your imagination get the best of you., and screwed it up!"  My confident smiles turns to a frowned as I told Becky to get lost. She walked away chuckling yelling," Just know your going to be disappointing all your fans, but I bet at this point their just used to it, you SCREW UP."

My frowned then turned to an worried expression, Beck wasn't necessarily wrong. There have been moments in my career were I've been so close to reaching success and making my fans proud, but end up making the wrong move and ruining it all. I began to get nervous pacing back and forth till someone stops me by my hand.

"Baby, you ok?" I hear automatically knowing who it was. I turned my whole body to see my boyfriend, the United States champion, Austin Theory. As I put on a fake smile and say "Yep I'm alright babe." Nervously laughing right after l.

Austin Theory POV:

This chick really thinks she fooling me with I'm ok shit. She's forgetting I'm her boyfriend, and with that I can tell when she's trying to lie her way out of something. "Your lying" I said, to which in response she reply's with, "Babe I would I never lie to you, do you think your pretty little girlfriend would ever lie to you🥺?" "Actually yes, considering you recently lied to me last week about your video game usage." I respond. "Babe just tell me what's really going on, please?"

Liv shrugs off to the side and ask, " do you think I'm a screw up?" " Hell No!" I said," who gave you that idea?" "Becky" she says. She says I always screw up on big opportunities like this, and she's not really wrong," she continues to ramble on how she believes she's going to screw up this big moment and let all her fan down. I can't stand to see her like. I stop her midway and say," So your just going to let her knock you down?!" She looks up at me, surprised I stopped her mid sentence, I've never really done that before, but I got her snap her out of this weird depressed stage she's in. "Live honey, you don't need to let bitches like Becky bring you down. And it doesn't matter if you lose or not, people who really care about like your fans wouldn't care. They will still keep cheering you on.

And so what if you lose, heck it's beats having a win to lose record so horrendous like mine, don't even get me started on that. She giggles a little after the joke. "Liv you one of the most talented women I've ever met, and if anyone else deserves that brief case, that's you. So how about you stop letting the hate get to your head, and put on a hell of a show for Las Vegas!

Liv Morgans POV:

I smiled at Austin, then proceeded to hug as tight as possible.  As I feel him hugging me back. " Thanks babe, I think I needed that. And your right I don't need to give a shit about Becky, I just got to focus on winning tonight!" I said "That's the spirt Babe!" Austin says, giving me a kiss on my forehead right after. I giggle to it, but get interrupted my Adam Pearce. " Liv Shows about to start, we need you now, follow me." He says. "Alright, here goes nothing" I begin to walk of with Adam, but not before turning around to see Austin yell to me "Kick some ass Babe!" I smile and and blow him a kiss as a response, and continue my way to the entrance area.

Fast forward to end of the match

"Live Morgan! Liv Morgans on the top of the ladder!!" Micheal screams. "Can she grab the briefcase?!"

Liv Morgan POV: I'm at the top of the ladder after knocking Becky off, I can taste victory it's so close, and I-

Bell rings


I've done it, I finally done it. I see the crowd celebrating in my victory, I can tell they are just as happy as I am. Tonight I proved to Becky, no, I proved to everyone to never underestimate me, EVER!!

Austin Theory POV: As I see Liv holding up that brief Case, I couldn't help but to kinda cheer in the dressing room, You couldn't imagine how proud I was of her, she deserves this moment more than anyone else does. She's waited 8 years for someone like this to come true, and now she's done it.  As I was about to run out to see her and congratulate her, she beats me to it by entering the dressing room and yelling,

" Look Babe, I actually DiD IT!!" She says with full excitement in her Eyes. I run up to her picking her up and spinning her around as she cheers and giggles to it. I put her forehead to mind and say, " I told you you could do it babe." " Um it's Mrs Money in the bank to you sir" she says in a jokingly manner. We both laugh at the comment, then go in for a kiss. My baby girl just proved the whole world why she's amazing, an dI couldn't be more proud of her, (:

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