Shes mine bitch

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Editors note: This story takes place where Austin is the leader apart of a deadly mafia group, called inferno. Just wanted to make that clear for any confusion on what's going on, now enjoy!

Austin Theory's POV:

"So you got the cash?" I say to the hitman I'm working with. " yes sir, the 10k you wanted." He's says as he plops down the bag full of money onto the table. I look through it to make sure the bitch isn't scamming my out my money. As I look through I realizes that all the money is clean money. Doesn't look like anyones owner it, but looks authentic. "Could you tell me where exactly you got this money from?" I ask. The hitman serves a worried expression on his face. "Well I-"

A text message from my phone interrupts him. "Hold that thought." I say as I check it. I smile seeings it's from my girlfriend, probably asking about our plans, must of forgot, again.


Liv Morgan: Hey babe, you still wanna meet at the restaurant across the street from the thrift store?

Austin Theory: Yes baby, btw I might be running late to it though, got a scum bag I got to deal with.

Liv Morgan: ohh

Austin theory: if you get there before me, just tell the waiter that the reservations are for Austin

Liv Morgan: Ok my love, see you then 😉

As I finish up the conversation, I can see the hitman trying to leave. " HEY! Where the fuck do you think your going bitch? You got a some explaining you need to do."

Liv Morgans POV:
I'm driving to the place where me and my boyfriend are having are date at. He booked it this very lovely restaurant, I've seen photos of it on Instagram, it looks delightful. As I finally get there, I can see how packed it was. Must be very busy at this time. I parked my car and starting walking towards the place till I hear someone yell, " Hey shawty!".

I turn around to see who was yelling, and it was this 45 year man who looked like some kids dads. He began to walk towards me, as I tried to quickly get inside. Thankfully I had lost him by the time I got inside. One I get in, the receptionist ask, " any reservations ma'am?"

"Yes, it's under Austin, my boyfriend made the reservation." Once she searches it up, her eyes filled up with worried and fear as she quickly said," Under Austin Theory?" I could tell she looked hella scared, looking around the room for any suspicious looking people. She wasn't the first to do that. When your dating a leader of a mafia group, you kinda get used to this. "Yes, " I replied, as she quickly grabbed our menus and said,"right this way. She tools me to this area in the restraint right by their window view.

It's was gorgeous 🤩

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It's was gorgeous 🤩. "I, I'll go get you your menus Ma'am" the waiter said as she quickly scurried away. I sat and just admired the view for a little while to pass the time. It was so beautiful, I've never really seen the city from up here. As I was admiring the view, I got interpreted by that old man in the parking lot.

"Hey cutie, tried calling for you out in the parking lot." He says as he stand next to me. I give him a weird look and just politely say, " oh Umm probably didn't here you." I lied obviously since I just wanted this grandpa to get out of my face. "Names Monty, what's your name baby?" The guy said, as I just kinda sat there in awkwardness. "Umm I'm not comfortable telling you that sir, now could you just go and leave me alone thank you."

Austin Theory's POV:
Finally arrived at the restaurant, I hate always being late for stuff like this, but someones got to finish the job. I begin to walk in as I see Liv's car already parked, she must already be here, hope I'm not too late then. I walk inside and immediately get assistance by one of the waiters. "Reservations for Austin Theory, right?" How the fuck did this  chick already knew, I haven't even said anything. "Uuh yes?"

"Right this way sir." The waiter said. She looked kinda scared, don't know why, you know everyone really acts like this when I walk into any establishment, crazy huh? "Your tables over there sir." As I look over, I see some short as grey looking dad standing by the table talking to Liv. She looks very uncomfortable. I begin to walk closer to the table and here a bit more of the conversation.

"Playing hard to get aye? It's cool, I can take thing slow baby." The man says. Before Liv responds she notices me and gives me a smirk and starts to point her finger at me. I began to walk even closer to the point where I'm standing right behind the guy. "What you pointing at baby?" The old guys says. "My boyfriend." She's says. As the man turns around and gets startled by me as I give him a serious look.

"The fuck you think your doing with my girl?" I ask him. " oh I....I wasn't doing any....thing s sir." The old man said. "Really? That's not what I heard you say." "Oh I was just messing around with her, I didn't mean anything." The old man said, looking like he's about to breakdown into tears or something. "Sure you weren't, know back off old men."

Monty's POV:
Oh shoot, how was I supposed to know her boyfriend is part of the inferno!? Oh god, I screwed up now. Oh no 😫

Austin Theory's POV:

The men quickly begins to walk away and as he turns back I yell to him, " Oh and by the, she's mine BITCH, don't ever think about touching her again you p*ssy!" He begins to now sprint out of the restaurant as I just watch make a fool out of himself.

"Ugh I hate when guys do that." Liv said. "Well hopefully we can enjoy the rest of the night without any distractions babe" I say while taking my seat. Then I grab her by the wrist and kiss her hand. She giggles and say, "I love babe 💖."

"I love you too baby girl."

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