The only one who cares for me

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Liv Morgan POV:

Im warming up backstage, getting ready for mine and Tegan's tag team titles match against Damage "
CTRL in the main event of Smackdown. As Im warming up, Tegan comes behind me and scares the living hell out of me.

"Got you!" Tegan yells, laughing. "Tegan that wasn't funny!" I say, laughing a little as well.

"Whatever, anyways, you ready for out match tonight Liv?"

"HELL YEA! We're going to become the new woman's tag team champions!"

"Yes sir! That's the confidence I like to see."

Tegan hugged me, clutching me in her arms, bouncing up and down. I could tell she was excited. It was her first title match since returning, and she could pick up her first title win.

Skip to the main event of the night

The main event finally arrived. Me and Tegan went out to the ramp, and made our entrance. The crowd was going wild for us, clearly having a favorite in this match. Once we got into the ring, Damge CTRL made their entrances. Once finished, the bell rang. I started off in the ting with IO Sky. I immediately jumped onto her and started to throw punches to her. She was able to counter, and was throwing me across the ring. Luckily, I landed on the turnbuckle of where Tegan was, who quickly tagged her self in. I rolled out of the ring, and got up, waiting for Tegan to tag me back in.

At the end of the match

Dakota Kai beating the crap out of me outside of the ring, as Tegan was struggling to beat IO Sky. I try to counter Dakota, but fail, as she knocks me down to the floor. Dakota quickly gets back into the ring for the tag, and quickly grabs Tegan to do her finisher. I try to get up and back I tot he ring as soon as possible, but couldn't make before the 3 count, Damage CTRL won.

I rush to Tegan Nox, as I help get back onto her feet. But she pushes me away, getting up herself.

"I'm sorry Tegan, I was dealing with Dakota Kai-"

"NO ENOUGH! Enough of you EXCUSE! This was the ONE CHANCE we got to become the new champions and you BLEW IT!"

"Calm down Tegan, it's ok we can still-"

She cuts be off, punching me in my stomach. I can hear Damage CTRL laughs outside of the ring, watching this go down. The crowd starts to boo at Tegan, as she drags me around the ring.

"YOU ARE USELESS, IVE SHOULD OF NERVER TRUSTED YOU!!" Tegan says to me, before leaving me out in the ring. She goes on and joins Damage CTRL as they all start to laugh at me. I feel my body ache, as I try to get up and do something.

A-town, Down LETS GO!

The whole crowd goes into a shock, as well as Tegan and Damage CTRL, when my boyfriend, Austin Theory, entrance music hits. He holds a steel chair with him, as he quickly charges at the 4 girls, beating them with the chair. I hear the noise from the chair, hitting against their skin, it was like music to my ears.

"Who's the useless bitch now Tegan, AYY?" Austin yells at Tegan, before rushing over to the ring. He sits beside me.

"Baby, you ok?" He ask me. I nod my head yes, and use him to help me get up, almost falling.
"Here grab my hand." He tells me, as he walks me out of the ring. Once we're out he then picks me up bridal style, taking me backstage. I lay my head under one of his pecs, as I can feel the whole crowd doing this weird cheer chant for him.

He walks he backstage into his dressing room, placing me down on his lap, as he sits down. 

"Thank you Austin." I tells him, he kisses me, then wraps his arms around me. "Anytime, now rest, after tonight you don't need to be put in any more trouble with those dumb as bastards." He tells me. I giggle a little, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Your the only one who cares about me, babe." I tells him.

"That's cause I'm not stupid like the rest of these idiots, who are oblivious to this angel we have here in the WWE." Austin says, before kissing me again.

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