First time drunk

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Liv Morgan POV:
I'm sitting in the kitchen right now trying to get a hold of Austin. His friends went to go take him out for his 25th birthday at some bar or something, so he can have his first taste of some good old whisky, that's what they called it. But it's been over 7 hours since they left and I'm getting kinda worried. I know he's a grown ass adult who can take care of himself, but idk I'm just hella worried. Maybe have something to do with the fact I'm a little older than him, or the fact that I've actually gotten drunk before, but Idk I just feel a weird feeling that something is going on.

Door bell rings

"Finally!" I think, hopping it was him. "Coming!" I yell. The door bell repeatedly gets pressed and the rings goes off through the house, to which I heal "COMING!" Again, only louder this time. As I finally get to the door, I open it to see Austin leaning  against the door, almost failing on me once I open it. I catch him obviously, and see his friends car waiting outside.

One of the windows roll down and they yell," He your problem now, Happy Birthday Bro!" One of them yells as the other drives away. I sigh closing the door, trying to help Austin get some balanced. As he finally gets a sense of what's going on he looks up and down at me.

"wEll hhhhiiiiiii pretty laaady" he says looking like a freaking hobo, a hot one, but still a hobo. I just stare back at him and say, " Do you know what time it is sir?!" I call him sir when I'm serious, usually hoping to snap out of any weird shit he's in. He responds with, " uuuuuuhhhhh 2:89?"  I can't help but kinda laugh, but I try to hold it in. "No it's 1:15 Am, you told me your were going to be back by 10:00! Heck I was worried sick about you boy, and then you don't even respond to me calls and-"

"Women chiiiiiiiiilllllll, don't have a *hiccup cOw." He says cutting me off. You know what I'm not going to put up with this bull crap tonight. " Here babe you know what, I'll just deal with this tomorrow, but now you need to get upstairs into bed, so come on now." I say pulling his arm. He doesn't move.

I try nudging him again, he doesn't budge. I'm getting frustrated and try to politely say to him, " Come on now babe it's time fo-" just then he cuts me off again. This time lifting up and pinning me against the wall. We've only been dating for about 3 months now and he's never done this to me, but unfortunately, I got to it admit that I think this is hella hot. "I think Preety lady just pent Uup and *hiccup needs daddy to work his magic heheh *hiccup" He says. I'm tempted, but know I'm just getting into to trouble. "Babe I'm serious, TIME FOR BED!"

"Come on, don't play dUmb, *hiccup, I know you want this." As he says this I cam up with a plan. "Actually you were right, I kinda do need this, but uh, can we take this to our room?" His facial expressions changes to a grin and say," WhY nOt lAdy!?". He puts me over his shoulders and rushes over to his room shutting the door. Then proceeding to throw me onto the bed. I pull him with me and turn him over on his back. "HA! Got you bitch!" I say while giggling. "I don't *hiccup get it?" He says. "I got you to the room, now time for bed, to Bed I Say! (:<"

Austin Theory POV:
This lady no fun. But I let it slide, cause she's hot as hell, and also she wants to sleep with me, she though I've never seen this women on my life. " hey preety lady?" I ask. "Yea Babe" she says while taking out a spare blanket. "How do I *hiccup, know you?" I ask. She begins to laugh, but I'm confused 😐. "I'm your girlfriend silly 😜!" She say. WOOOW, I got a girlfriend, sweeeet. Now I can tell the Bois I ain't a virgin no more.

Editors note: hi um, hope you liked the first 2 stories so far. Im just starting these so they may not be good at first but I will be improving the more I continue to write in this, see you later besties (:

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