Cute step brother (part 3)

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Liv Morgan POV:

I wake up in the middle of night, feeling dizzy and nauseous. I look around the room to see I'm still in Austin's bedroom. I then quickly notice Austin's arms wrapped around my side. I look at him, seeing his head buried in the blanket. I smile, then quickly feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I sit up, holding my stomach with both of my arms. I start to gag, feeling like I'm about to throw up. I rush over to the bathroom, and barley make it to the toilet, before picking my brains out.

"Liv, you ok?" I hear a voice say beside me. I turn to see Austin standing beside be.  Before responding I start throwing up again. Austin quickly gets behind me and lowers down to his knees, grabbing my hair out of my face. I start to feel his hand rub my back, as I start to feel a little better. "Here let me take you to your room Liv." Austin says, helping me onto my feet. He holds my wrist, as he takes me to my room. We walk in quietly because of my sister sleeping.

I walk towards my bed, and quickly lay down, curling myself up into a ball. Austin put my blanket over me, then laid beside me.

"You need me to get you anything? Like medicine or something?" He whispered to me. I shook my head no. He smiled at me, and I smiled back at him. Suddenly he started to bring his face closer to mine, I didn't do anything but just stare into his eyes, watching him get closer. Eventually, he was so close to me that are lips were inches away from each other.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to him. He just shrug his shoulders and smirked at me. He then wrapped his arms around me, I could feel my face getting hot. Then out of the blue, I kissed him, it was a quick kiss. Even though it was quick, I enjoyed it. Then I realized that I literally just kissed my step brother. I began to freak out but tried to not to show it.

"Umm, I didn't mean to do that-"

He cuts me off by kissing me back, this time without stopping. From what started as a quick kiss, turned into a make out session. It ended up with me on top of him, laying on his head. I felt myself falling back asleep, as I could feel Austin's hand rubbing my back again. Before I fell asleep Austin whispered to me:

"I love you sis"

I did a quiet laugh, and said, "I...I love you too."

Editors Note: quick but you got to Love it!

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