She cheated (part 1)

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Liv Morgan POV:

I'm backstage at NXT right now waiting for Austin to finish his segment with The Way. I've know Austin since he came to the main roster for a couple of months. He was very quiet and really only kept to himself, but was also really nice. I decided to take him under my wing backstage because well, I though he was cute and kinda hot.

As I'm watching backstage I see his girlfriend,  Jordan, getting shown around the backstage area. I hated her with all of my gut so much, and she knows it. She knows I have a crush on her man, and likes to mess around with me about it, and frankly at first, I didn't even care. When I met his girlfriend for the first time, it did kinda broke my heart to know he was already in a relationship with another girl, but I mean I was happy for him, he seemed pretty happy with her. But when I tried talking to her, she would just give me some attitude and would act all fake.

She would become a lot more sexual with him when I was around, She would be extra clingy with him, and she would try to talk smack about me to him. Idk how she knew I liked him, but she believes I will never have a chance with him, and by the way their relationship is going, she might be right.

As I watch to see what's she is doing, I see her run off with another one of the wrestlers. A jobber no one's ever heard of. I get curious so I decided to follow them. I end up by the back of the performance center building to see her kissing that jobber. I'm in utter shock, but I feel a little joy on the inside. I began to start recording them on my phone to show Austin how much of a bitch his so called, " girlfriend" is.

"Baby you sure your boyfriend won't find us here?" I hear the jobber say. "No babe, bitch is so clueless, he wouldn't even be able to figure out if I had even tried talking to another man, let alone fuck one." Jordan says giggling and kissing the jobber. I couldn't believe what I just heard and saw. I stop recording and quickly run back to the back stage area. Once back I see that Austin's segment is already done, and that now he is just talking with the way. I rush up to him as he greets me. "Hey Liv, where we're you? I was looking for you, and do you know where Jordan is, she told me she would be waiting for me?" Austin says, as I feel excited to give this bitch the karma that she's deserves. "Yes as a matter of fact I do, but before I can show you, watch this." As I had him my phone he begins to watch the video, and the look on his face say it's all.

"That BITCH said what about about YOU!?! Candice says with so much rage in voice, glad I wasn't the only one to hate Jordan. " where did you get this?!" Austin ask me " behind the performance center" I say in my most innocent and concern voice. We begin to get over there, and find Jordan still making out with that jobber. "JORDAN!!" Austin yells which scares her and the jobber as they turn over to see a mad Austin coming towards them. Jordan pushes away the jobber and begins to say everything a cheater says when they get caught, the babe it's not what it looks like bullshit. As they are arguing, I smile knowing this bitch is down with this man. "Your enjoying this aren't you Liv?" Indie whisper into my ear. "Yes, yes I am." I whisper back.

" You know what bitch, WE ARE OVER!!" Austin yells, as I do my victory dance, in head ofc. "Ya Austin, tell that Bitch!" Jonny yells as Austin storms off to his car. Jordan is speechless and looks dead at me. " You did this didn't you? You told him I was back here all because you were jealous!?"'Jordan says to me, in which I respond with, " No, I did it because I'm a friend, and for karma BITCH!" I begin to walk away from her and get into my car. Once seeing no one else is around me, I begin to start cheering at the fact that finally I might actually have a chance with Austin now, or at least tell him how I feel without it being awkward.

Now the question is, when will I tell him. I got to play this card right, cause I might not get an opportunity like this again. I make up my mind and decided to just risk it, and tell him tonight. I mean I'd it got anything else to lose. I begin to drive out of the parking lot, and to Austin's house.

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