Imprisoned Love - Nicky Nichols

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Warnings: Praise Kink, Pet Names, Handcuffs, Thigh Riding, Fingering
Words: 2172
Pairings: Switch Fem reader X DomTop Nicky Nichols
Nobody's POV:
When you became the hot junkies roommate you thought everything would be fine and normal, you thought you'd be great friends. But your thoughts were wrong. You wanted more. You wanted her. Her to destroy you.
Y/N's POV:
Sitting on my bunk reading, my mind drifted off somewhere else. "Are you gonna be a good girl" "be quiet okay we aren't alone remember" "cum for me y/n" Nicky said to me. Her fingers trailed all over my body. I was pushed up against a wall. The door was locked however someone could notice us any minute.

I got brought from my thoughts as Nichols walked into the room. Shit why am I thinking like this about her, she's just my bunk mate, my friend.
Nicky: "hey y/l/n what you doing"
Me: "ah nothing really just reading"
Nicky: "alright then, I'm just heading off to the chapel now anyway. Gonna go meet Morello" she says with a wink.

I was always kinda jealous of Lorna to be honest. I always wished I was her, she's honestly so lucky. But she doesn't even like Nicky she's practically using her.

I hopped off my bunk and grabbed Nicky's wrist. This is it I'm going to tell her I like her, before it's too late. I said to myself.
Me: "wait" I said looking into her eyes. My eyes flickered down to her lips wanting to desperately kiss her.
Nicky: "huh?"

Instantly I freaked out and panicked. Letting go of her wrist and pulling away saying "nvm"  Nicky walked off and exited the room. Heading to the chapel to meet Morello.

Nicky's POV:
I walked out my bunk heading to the chapel to meet lorna smirking and slightly giggling to myself. I can see the effect I have on y/n but she doesn't realise it. I know she wants me I'm just waiting for her to make a move. Or I'll just make the move if she takes too long. I know I should go back in there and grab her. Kiss her delicate plump lips, take her to the chapel but I can't. I can't tell her yet or maybe I can.

Y/N's POV:
Nicky had left to go see Lorna and I got back to reading. The book I was reading was a wlw book honestly I was very deep into the story that I didn't realise Nicky came back. Until I felt my bunk sink. "Hey" Nicky had said while chewing gum. I slowly lowered my book too slow that she pushed it down and moved closer to me.
Nicky: "I know what you were thinking about earlier when I came in"
Me: "what are you talking about Nicky"
Nicky: "don't play dumb with me y/n I'm not that stupid"
Me: "I really don't know what you mean Nichols"
Nicky just laughed to herself and leant forward close to my ear and whispered. "Do I need to show you what you were thinking about, by actually making it a reality. By fucking you dumb y/n" she said in a seductive raspy voice lifting up my chin to look at her. Before pulling away biting her lip smirking

Me: "w-what um I-" I stuttered.
Nicky: "see. Do I make you nervous y/n"
Me: "no no it's just u-uh" I stuttered again
Nicky: "enough talking" she said leaning forward close enough to kiss me. Capturing my lips into a heated kiss I moan slightly against her lips as she gets on top of me. (Bare in mind we are on the top bunk this could escalate badly any minute)

Nicky: "someone's needy huh"
Me: "please Nicky I need you"
Nicky: "oh you need me?"
I couldn't say anything so I nodded.
Nicky: "hmm how about we have a bit of fun with this then" she says pulling out a pair of handcuffs.
Nicky: "yeah stole them from luschek" she says laughing
Me: "fucking hell what if you get caught with them"
Nicky: "don't worry I won't, now hands up sweetie" I do as she says and put my hands up she puts one of the cuffs on one hand then the other on the other hand while smirking at me.
Nicky: "right you're gonna keep that pretty mouth of yours shut while I fuck you like the desperate whore you are for me. Okay kitten. And you can't touch me" she says putting a strand of hair behind my ear
Me: "but-"
Nicky: "no but's" she says cutting me off

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