Meeting the Obelia family

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The Solon siblings entered the throne room, sitting there was Emperor Claude De Alger Obelia and Empress Diana Obelia, who were surrounded by the rest of their children. The siblings bowed as they said. 'Greeting's to the sun of the Obelian empire.' Claude gestured for Erez and Athy to come to him and they quickly walked back to where the rest of their siblings are.

'It's nice to see you again Lady Leilin,' Diana smiled as she looked at her. 'And who are these lovely sibling of yours?' 

Leilin returned the smile as she started to introduce the others. 'This is the 1st son and the heir of the Solon family, Benjamin Solon.' As if on cue, Benjamin walked up and bowed, then walked back.

'This is our youngest, the 2nd lady of the Solon family, Keira Solon.' Keira was a mess, this was the first time she had met the royal family, and it made her extremely nervous. But she followed her brothers example and did it well, though the other siblings could tell that she was nervous.

'And finally, the 2nd son of the Solon family, Lucas Solon. Who I think you're all acquainted with.' Lucas walked up and bowed.

'Ah yes the magician who's dating my youngest daughter.' The emperor said coldly, glaring at Lucas.

'Dad~~' Athy whispered as she tugged onto her Dad's robe. 'I told you to be nice to him.'

'Uh, oh look how much you've all grown!' Diana spoke trying to change the subject. 'I remember when Keira was just a young baby.' This made everyone confused except for the Emperor, Leilin and a few others. 'Oh sorry, I forgot you must not remember us, well we're old friends with your parents.' The Agriche siblings didn't know what they were shocked about more, the fact that their parents were friends with the Emperor or that Diana said that as if it was the easiest thing to say in the world. 

'Erez dear,' Diana said not leaving any time for anyone to process. 'Would be a dear and bring the Solon couple here.' This made the siblings stop their silence.

'Uh there's no need for that, Your highness.' Keira said quickly. 'Why not let Lucas bring them instead, since it will be less of a shock, we wouldn't want the prince to waste his mana on something like that.'

Erez smiled at Keira before winking at her saying, 'Don't worry beautiful, I'm probably better at magic than him.' And with that he left, leaving Keira into a blushing mess. In a spasm of a second, he came back with Dion and Medea who was baffled on what was going on. No, it wasn't baffled more like about to kill Erez until they saw the royal family and their kids.

'Greetings to the suns of the Obelian empire.' they both greeted as Dion glared at Lucas, well knowing  who was responsible for this. 

'Medea!' Diana ran to Medea and hugged her, as Medea simply laughed. 

'You haven't aged a bit.' Medea said as she looked at her. 'Still as young as ever.' While Dion and Claude simply stared at each other.

'How are you doing, old man?' Dion said as he tried to hold back a smile. However, the kids gasped a bit hearing this. 

'It's only a 10 year difference, get over yourself.' Claude retorted back, they looked at each other before simply smiling. 

'I hope the kids weren't any trouble.' Medea said before glaring at them.

'Not at all! In fact, I just had the best idea, why don't you guys stay over?' Diana beamed just thinking about it. However...

'I'm sorry Diana, I truly am. But me and my husband have work to do.' Diana's face suddenly darkened. 'But my children can stay.'  Diana beamed upon hearing this.

'Mom are you abandoning us again?' Benjamin asked, hearing this Keira suddenly got depressed.

'No, let's just say it's punishment for going into other people's mansions. You can stay here for a week.'

'Lovely! I'll start arranging your rooms.' Diana said as she left. 

'Why don't we leave the kids to get to know each other? How about some tea.' Claude said as he and the Solon couple left, leaving the room to be quite awkward.

'Aha, why don't we start introducing ourselves?' Athy suggested. 'You all know me, my name is Athanasia De Alger Obelia, the 3rd princess.' A tall man with a rather relaxed look on his face, smiled. 'Pleasure to meet you, I'm the 1st Prince of the Obelian empire, Heinrey Allez Lazlo Obelia.'

Next a woman with a kind and timid expression came up and curtsied, 'My name is Rudbeckia de Borgia Obelia, the 1st princess but you can call me Ruby.' A man with menacing red eyes patted Ruby on the head before saying, 'I am Callisto Regulus Obelia, 2nd prince, nice to meet you.'

Two very beautiful twins came up, 'I'm Cayena Hill Obelia, the 2nd princess and this is my twin brother Rezef Hill Obelia, the 2rd son of the Obelian empire.' She smiled before returning to her place while Rezef only gave a slight nod.

'I think you all know who I am.' Erez said but Lucas knew better.

'Oh come on, you're just lazy.' Lucas rolled his eyes while Erez punched him softly.

'Don't expose me.' He whispered causing everyone to laugh. This caused everyone to be more at ease with each other. 

'Leilin!' Cayena and Ruby went up to her, as they giggled and catched up, with Rezef still clinging onto Cayena. Benji, Callisto and Heinrey were talking about business and success, while Erez, Lucas, Athy and Keira were making fun of each other. It was like they were old friends, who haven't seen each other in a while.

'Oh did I mention that the Mertensia family is also coming over?' Athy said, suddenly the room became silent.

'Ughhh, seriously. There are more people we have to introduce ourselves to?' Lucas groaned. However, Callisto was quite excited.

'It'll be fine, they don't have a big family like we do.' Callisto said. Little did they know, it wasn't only Callisto who was excited but also Leilin.

I wonder if he'll be there?

*I'm sorry this was a very boring chapter, it was just the characters being introduced. I promise there'll be more of a story in the next chapter.

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