Can't seem to catch a break

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Spending time with his wife and living his days in peace was all Dion wanted. Having a peaceful life, where he and his wife could do whatever they wanted and be free. Having 4 children was not apart of Dion's lifelong plan.

So these were the side effects of sex huh?

Dion groaned as he was now slouching on the couch with three little toddlers all over him. 

'Medei, why can't we just get a nanny?' Dion groaned again as Leilin was trying to take of his cuff links. 'No Leilin, not that.' Dion quickly grabbed a few coins from his pocket as he gave it to the now drooling Leilin. 'This is what you should try steal.' Leilin beamed as she started rubbing the coin into her cheek.

'I already told you, we can't trust others to take care of our kids, and what if the kids start loving them more than us?' Contemplating on her past experiences, Medea quietly said as she placed Kiera back to her crib, she stared at her youngest until multiple loud bangs were heard making the baby wake up again. Medea carefully picked her up and rocked her slowly as she looked Dion's way to see what the noise was. 'Dion!' Medea half yelled as she saw Dion clutching Lucas' clothes while Lucas smugly smiled at him.

'I think I'd be rather happy to give this one away,' Dion clenched Lucas' shirt before placing him down, 'That one's going to be a lot of trouble in the future.' Dion stared as the eldest toddler, Benji starts babbling random things towards Lucas before trying to stab him with a small dagger, before he could stab him Lucas poofs away into Keira's crib, blowing raspberries at him. Dion looked back at Benji only to find him giving a thumbs up to Leilin as she returns it.

God, why did they have to get their killing tendencies so early in their life?

Dion snatched back the knife from Benji despite his babbling complaints and gave a look to Medea as she only quietly laughed. 'We also can't get a nanny because remember what happened last time with Benji and Leilin?'

Medea wanted to burst out laughing just thinking about it, she never liked that nanny anyways. 'Well if you ask me, she deserved it.' Dion said bluntly, making Medea smile in satisfaction.


'Let's fire the new nanny.' Medea said simply as she tidied her dress after a long carriage ride. Dion looked at her, before simply nodding making Medea smugly smile. 'You're not going to ask why?' Dion chucked as he held out his hand, as Medea accepted it.

'Why should I question anything my wife wants? You must've had a reason for it, though I am a bit curious.' Dion had sharp instinct like an animals and a smart mind when it comes to battle, but when it comes to things socially, he knows it's best for Medea to handle things.

'Dion, honey, you're a bit dense when it comes to these things, but she was flirting with you.' Medea sighed as Dion knitted his brows in confusion. 'She's lucky she left before I found out, otherwise I would've ripped her eyes out and cut her tongue off. Although, she does have lovely eyes, if I had ripped them out, I could've given it to Roxanna as a gift. She would've loved it.' Dion cleared his throat, making sure to snap Medei back to reality before she goes of daydreaming about his sister again. 

'So you're saying your jealous?' Dion smirked as he glanced over at Medea who only smiled before saying,

'Maybe.' And with that they were now in front of their house. Chanting was heard from the inside as Dion nodded at the maids as they opened the door.

Medea immediately laughed at the scene displayed as Dion only cleared his throat again so that they noticed their presence. There stood the young nanny tied up in a chair, gagged, and was crying her eyes out as Benjamin held  a knife to her eyes and Leilin being carried by her maid, cheering him on. The rest of the staff surrounded them, smiling ear to ear and cheering Benji on before slowly noticing the couple at the door. It soon became completely silent, before the Butler of the house, Lucius, quickly made his way to them trying to explain the situation to them. 

'Welcome back, my Lord and my Lady. Y-You see, the young master and young lady were horribly bored, and they didn't seem to like the nanny. And we frankly, didn't really like her as well but we found them like this and we decided to play along?' The butler feared for his life, as he didn't even know how to justify this.

'It's okay, Lucius.' Medea answered as she gave him a small smile. 'We were just about to fire her anyways. Will you?' The butler gave a nod before ordering the servants. Medea and Dion entered their house as they reluctantly picked up their kids. Medea gave Leilin a small kiss before giving her a coin to which Lei grinned and put it in her mouth as Dion took the knife away from Benjamin before giving him a bigger knife to which Benji tried to stab Dion with. Medea looked back as the nanny was now being dragged away, staring daggers to her, but Medei could only laugh as Dion flicked the knife he took from Benji back, barely missing the nanny's head. 


'Why don't we send them to school?' Dion suggested, making Medea pause.

'It's not a bad idea, maybe when they're older.' She replied as Dion could only internally groan. He just wanted them gone now, but for now that would do. 'But the real question is, would the teacher's be able to handle it?' Medei asked, putting Keira back in her crib and lifting Lucas up. 

'We both know the answer to that.' Dion sighed only making Medea chuckle. 'But if it means being able to spend more time with you, then let's give it a shot.' Dion looked around the toy filled room, eyeing each of his children before slowly smiling to himself.

Maybe this life isn't so bad after all-

Dion was interrupted by Lucas as he magically teleported himself onto Dion pulling on his hair. He immediately took Lucas of his head and grabbed him by the collar as he made his way out.

'Where are you going?' Medea asked as Dion slowly turned his head at her before simply stating.

'This one's going to the orphanage.'

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