Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41 3 More

    The moonlight was hazy, Lin Jiao walked slowly behind Zhiwen, and there were a few light coughs suddenly in front of them, and the two stopped.

    Lin Jiao recognized at a glance that the tall and tall Lin Zhihu was standing next to him? Lin Zhibing, Xu Fengfan, and several other cousins ​​of the Lin family.

    "Why are you here?" Lin Zhibing asked quietly, full of surprise.

    "Me? I'm here to help you watch the wind." Lin Jiao casually said, "So many people, are they beating to death?"

    Lin Zhibing leaned closer and said angrily, "I originally planned to go in and carry them out, but Zhou Zhuang led them out. Come, tell us to make an appointment with a team of warehouses before we start."

    "Zhou Zhuang?" Lin Jiao was surprised. Didn't she say at night that the Zhou family didn't want to deal with Guo Tong, and that's why the Lin family secretly prepared to put on sacks and leave. meal.

    Lin Zhibing nodded his head, a faint smile echoed, and he said proudly: "We are all bloody men in our generation, Aunt Hairu is going to protect him, and Uncle Da Zi can't do anything, but Zhou Zhuang and the others are different."

    "Guo Tong usually knows what kind of birds in a team, but now even a child dares to do it, Zhisi is not the first person, he has done things to Zhou Ya before? A good lesson."

    Lin Jiao was speechless and angry, "Since there is a precedent, why do you want him to stay in the village, aren't you afraid that it will really harm other people?"

    Lin Zhibing sighed: "Guo Tong is the man After thinking that Aunt Hairu wanted to recruit and leave it to Uncle Yun, she spent the whole day coaxing Aunt Hairu into a daze. With Aunt Hairu here, how can I catch up

    ? There are a few stupid and angry people who still don't have it? What can't be done!

    Being able to let a child bear the responsibility of her husband's death for so many years, to vent his anger and control it, is the most selfish person by nature, how could he really commit suicide.

    But the word "suicide" can scare people no matter what age it is. No one wants to take the title of compulsive suicide, let alone watch it? A dead husband, who did not remarry for many years, and worked hard to raise his daughter.' Poor woman' to die.     Just when she didn't know what to say, Zhiwen pulled her? She hid behind the locust tree and heard Zhou Zhuang's voice: "You are good at arithmetic, the warehouse has to be checked again, please."     "No trouble, we? It's a family, don't be polite, Big Zhuang, if you have something to do in the future, you can tell me."     Hearing this sanctimonious voice, Lin Jiao felt nauseated subconsciously, clenched the fantasy in her pocket, and resisted the urge to look at this person. He was beaten and tortured mentally.     Lin Zhibing waved to the back: "Let's go, wait and be careful not to hit your head."     The men hiding under the slope walked forward, Zhiwen walked over and whispered: "Eldest sister, wait for you to stand behind me, just in case.     Lin Jiao felt warm in her heart, "Well, let's go." The Lin     family first entered a team of warehouses, and heard Zhou Zhuang at the door saying an excuse to escape: "Guo Zhiqing, you wait here first? Go and change the light."     Guo Tong didn't have any doubts, and said enthusiastically: "Brother Da Zhuang, you go quickly and be careful on the road."     Zhou Zhuang has a very high status in the village, as long as he is coaxed, he will be in the back. No matter what Shui Village does, the Zhou family will protect him. Thinking of this, Guo Tong is even more attentive, "Brother Da Zhuang, it's dark, do you want me to accompany you?"     "No, no." Zhou Zhuang waved, He pretended to knock on the electric light and walked out, holding the electric light and scolding?: "Damaged! I owe a hammer!"     Guo Tong cheered and laughed.     Zhou Zhuang pouted: "It's not worthy, it's too fucking unworthy, what the hell!"     Guo Tong wanted to agree, but suddenly it got dark, he was thrown down suddenly, fell a dog and ate shit, but he didn't respond. Come here and be dragged away.

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