Chapter 91-98

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Chapter 91 1 more

    Lin Zhihu rarely showed an uncomfortable look on his face, "Isn't it praising Jiaojiao, why? It's on me."

    Lin Jiao smiled, "Brother Zhihu, do you have someone you like?"

    "No? Yes?" Lin Zhihu picked up the hoe, "Now? I don't want that, the morning grass hasn't been hoeed yet, I'm going to work in the field."

    Everyone saw him striding into the field, shouting loudly Said:

    "Zhihu, you are also the eldest? Not too young, you can look for it!"

    "I think the daughter of the old accountant of Dongshui Village is very good, and she lives a life!"

    "Zhihu, my daughter-in-law's family still lives. Do you have a cousin, who is very handsome? Very, I blush when I see you, do you think it can be done?"

    "It's time to experience the experience of a wife and children on a hot kang head!"

    Seeing that Lin Zhihu was walking faster and faster, the members Laugh loudly.

    Lin Zhibing suddenly glanced at Bailing and said with a smile, "You don't need to worry about it, he has a plan in his mind." Out of the corner of his eye, he

    saw Bailing's face was normal, Lin Jiao raised her eyebrows slightly, and then looked at the tall, tall figure in the distance. , "Individuals have personal fate, we don't have to force it, the knot will come naturally."

    Zhou Zhuang said with a smile: "In addition to being popular in Houshui Village, I still like the simple population of Zhongzhihu's family, and it is the first. The grower who planted Xuechi glutinous rice and sorghum, and more importantly, he is your cousin, who used to dislike Zhihu, but now he would rather stick to him. Dear."     Lin Jiao smiled and did not say anything. After this welcoming ceremony, she felt very relieved to the villagers, even though she would chatter a few words in the village, when she was outside, and on major events, With the party secretary and Lin Zhibing and Zhou Zhuang there, they won't be too pretentious and cause trouble.     As soon as he got home, Zhou Zhuang's wife brought chicken noodle soup in a small pot.     "Jiaojiao, what we discussed last night? Today we do it at home, and tomorrow Uncle Zhuang's house kills chickens, so as not to bump into each other."

    Lin Jiao was washing her face, "sister-in-law, thank you, you don't have to do it tomorrow, I want to rush to the county to make some wine, and I won't come back to eat."

    "Jiaojiao, I made water cakes, do you want to eat them? "

    He Xiu walked in from the outside with a bowl in hand. After seeing Zhou Zhuang's wife, she smiled and said hello.

    "Okay, I'll go back and tell them, you eat first, and I have to rush back to eat and go to work."

    "Sister-in-law walk slowly, thank you." Lin Jiao pulled her little sister up and looked at the water cakes in the eldest mother's bowl Said: "I'll eat a few."

    "I guess you want to eat it." He Xiu walked into the main room with a smile, "Your grandfather likes to eat it the most, and it was specially cooked in the morning?"

    Grandpa happened to walk in from outside, wearing a blue shirt and black Pants, neat and clean, full of energy, basically eat and sleep in? Supply and Marketing Co., she is willing to leave for a while since she is home.

    "Jiaojiao~~~" A

    sticky voice came from outside, and Zhou Honghua arrived first before the sound came.

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