Chapter 22 - Planet Medorra

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"Alright Blaze, we arrived."

It was the voice from Flash who reported to him. They finally managed to flee from the Dustwing! Even though it did unfortunately take them one sacrifice. It made him sad to know that the green Nightclaw member, Davy, was dead. The yellow one wasn't in the mood to think about it, as their shuttle jumped out of hyper speed.

In the shuttle, Blaze was lying on the corner, still in pain. He leaned himself on the back wall from the shuttle and touched his injured spot with one hand before he looked at it. The wound might be cleaned, but the pain was still there and the more he moved, he felt how the pain increased. The octopus Seira kept him company while Flash piloted the shuttle.

"Flash, where did you take us?" The injured captain wanted to know. The Nightclaw member made a quick scan.

"Let me see." Flash looked closer at the systems from the shuttle, their technology seemed way more complicated than the one he was used to on the Nightclaw. It was difficult, But it wasn't impossible for him. "The solar system itself has a really weird name, ZDA-931. Does that ring a bell?"

"Sadly not. I've never heard of such a system before." Blaze admitted. The red captain wanted to take a look outside, carefully stood up and walked wonky to the two seats of the shuttle. Flash was sitting on the right side. Of course the red bean couldn't believe his visor, as he took a look outside. The solar system had three suns! "Three suns?"

Flash nodded. "Apparently."

Blaze was impressed and stunned. Never before had He ever seen a system with three suns before in his journey of being a captain. Just thinking about exploring the planets that orbit around them caught his full attention.

"Such a beautiful... HNGH!" Obviously Blaze wanted to look even closer but as he wanted to, his wound started to hurt very badly and he had to sit down on the second seat beside Flash. He touched his wound even more and checked on it. It slightly began to bleed again.

The red one sighed frustrated. "We need to find a civilized planet to get help. Are there any in this system?"

Flash checked again. "There is a desert planet, it's name is Medorra. According to the scan there are some villages. Maybe we can find help there."

The Captain focused on getting his breathing back to being calm, while he answered: "It's worth a try. Let's fly d-" But he couldn't finish his sentences.

In that very moment, another giant ship jumped out of hyper speed and joined them in the orbit. It was the Dustwing who followed them. The systems on the shuttle literally begged Flash to check the scan. The yellow one did and was shocked. "It's the Dustwing. They followed us!"

"What?!" Now sunk in thoughts, Blaze got reminded about a small detail he forgot about. "Of course! They followed us. Flash, get us down immediately before -"

A laser attack crashed into their shuttle. The shields weren't activated yet and it had to endure some damage. The shuttle shook badly and both had to grab on their seats to hold their balance.

"Flash! Activate the shuttle's shields!" Blaze then ordered.

It took a while for Flash to activate them but he could manage in time to do so. On the systems, the scan showed Flash that there was another object flying behind them. The yellow one checked it and reported that it was another shuttle from the Dustwing that had attacked them. This shuttle looked different than the one Flash navigated. Smaller and way faster in its movements.

The second shuttle was commanded by Saros himself, together with Shen and Roy to pilot it. The red wizard stood in the middle of the shuttle to observe everything while the dark blue bean Roy and the tan one Shen, navigated it.

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