Blue22 Presents...

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Years ago, as a young boy in the fifth grade, my life was consumed by the extraordinary tales of comic book superheroes. Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America – they were my idols, my inspiration. A universe born from the stroke of a single pencil, the genius of Stan Lee. Growing up alongside these heroes, I was captivated by their world, their courage. Their stories ignited a spark within me, a desire to create my own hero. Over the years, I developed a character, a young man named Donatello Whitmore Jace. A journalist navigating the loss of his parents, a protector for his sister, a dreamer of a larger world. As a journalist, Donatello stumbled upon a dangerous secret, a mysterious vendetta against him. But fate intervened, introducing him to another extraordinary individual. In a whirlwind of events, Donatello was infused with incredible abilities – speed beyond imagination, strength that defied the ordinary. And so, Donatello became OutMan, the very first superhero in the Blue22 Universe. A new legend was born, a legacy inspired by the heroes who had once captured his young imagination.

The Beginning

OutMan The Beginning (1)Where stories live. Discover now