~ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 16 ~ 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖

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While I was trying to dream, something was stopping me from doing so. I felt more weight on top of me, and I felt soft pecks every now and then on my face. "Mevvvvvv?" I heard someone say. I decided to slowly open my eyes and surely enough, it was ponyboy, awake, sitting on top of me. He whispered, "Mornin' beautiful!" I rubbed my head and whispered back, "Good morning." I reached for the clock and once I saw the time... I put my hands over my face and groaned, "It's 5 am ponyboy." He grabbed my hands and kissed them, "Mhm, so?" I sighed and whisper-shouted, "I think you didn't hear me. It's 5... o'clock... IN THE MORNING!" "Now don't get cranky..." I crossed my arms and frowned, "I am NOT cranky." Ponyboy held my hands, "Don't you wanna watch the sunrise?" I sighed and just looked at him. He pleaded quietly, "Pleaseee?" I sighed again, "Oh okayy.." He got off me and I sat up and stretched. I combed my hair and ponyboy patiently waited. As soon as I was done, we quietly went out of the room, then to the front yard. It was still a bit dark out, but for the first time in many years, I could see stars. We lay down on our backs and looked at each other, then at the sky. I exclaimed, "Wow! I've never seen so many stars.." Ponyboy said calmly, "Sure is pretty, huh?" I looked over at him and smiled, "Sure is!" He looked back and smirked, "And here you were... being cranky about it." I punched his arm playfully, "Oh you-" We both laughed softly and we looked at the sky once more. I closed my eyes and I heard so many things, I heard the grass swaying with the wind, the crickets and grasshoppers chirping, and the wind blowing. I opened my eyes again and I looked over to ponyboy, who was doing the same thing. Pony said as his eyes were still closed, "This is real nice." I replied, "It's better than hearing cars honk and drive by, right?" "Mhm." He said. I began to think again. Was this all really real? It felt like that saying, "Too good to be true" My brain was thinking of ideas for why this was happening, but none of them made any sense. I asked, "Ponyboy?" He opened his eyes and turned to me, "Yeah?" "Is any of this real? Because I feel like I'm going crazy right now." He moved himself closer to me and held my hand, and brushed it softly with his thumb, "What makes you think this ain't real?" I sighed, "I mean... it's just too-" "Perfect?" He finished my sentence with a smile. I nodded, "Exactly! I never thought I'd meet my soulmate and here we are." Ponyboy sighed, "And I was here thinkin' that id never be with anyone because I'm a greaser, but then I met you..." He looked at me and I looked back as he said, "You're the type of girl that guys write poems about..." His eyes looked loving and deep, "The beautiful and golden type..." Pony looked a bit sensitive as he finished, "Like my mom." I blushed hard and then I stammered, "S-still feel like I'm going c-crazy, pony." He laughed softly, "You ain't goin' crazy hon... you ARE crazy!" I frowned and said with a mildly sarcastic tone, "Oh wow, very comforting." He said, "Let me finish! What I meant to say was... you're just as crazy as I am, that's one of the many things that I love about you, my mom would've too." I held his face with my hand, "Aw, you're the sweetest thing pony." He said with a smirk, "Yeah I know." Then I removed my hand from his face and then we looked up at the sky to wait for the sunrise.... "What was your mother like?" I finally asked. "She was wise and firm." "Like Darry?" I wondered. He replied. "Mhm. but she wasn't annoying, and she wouldn't holler at me like he does. She would do what you do... she would talk to me and she would try to help me the best she could. Soda is also like her, golden, and he listens to me like she would have." I was just there listening, and he knew I was, so he went on. "...The whole gang liked her, even old Dallas. She was just so bright and wonderful..." I've never seen a boy that talked about their mom the way he did, it was beautiful. I felt my eyes water as I said, "Your mom sounds incredible, I wish I had the chance to know her." I looked over to him, his eyes were welling up with tears too as he quivered, "I-I wish they didn't die..." He sat up and hid his face in his knees, "Damn it, why'd they have to die? Why?" He whimpered and he sobbed quietly. I sat up and I went close and rubbed his back. "Aw pony, it's okay, let it all out..." He whispered between sobs, "I-'m s-sorry for b-bawlin' like this.." I said softly as I used my other hand to rub his head, "No nooo sweetie, you don't need to be sorry, you just let it out, it'll make you feel better. Don't you EVER be sorry for crying." He lifted his head slowly and looked at me as he sniffled. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks, his eyes were red and wide... he was hurting and it killed me to see him like that. Then he began talking in a low quiet voice with a weak smile, "And my dad- we used to go huntin' out in the country, me, him, Darry, and Soda. Darry was the best shot, but Soda and I just goofed off and scared the geese away-..." He laughed a bit on the last part. "...he looked exactly like Darry, but he acted exactly like Soda, he was fun and reckless, he could make the most serious person in the world laugh." He was looking toward the abyss. A tear was rolling down his cheek, I caught it and wiped it off as I whispered, "I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to upset you, I feel terrible." He smiled, "No. Don't be. Its okay, it feels good talkin' about them anyway." 

#𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤𝕕𝕠𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕖Where stories live. Discover now