that hostess: a crying mess

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I was talking to Ciel and Sebastian, since they came over to the trancy manor to check up on me.


"Hi Maniko!" I waved to my friend as she entered my house "Hey! You ready for anime night!" I nodded super fast as we entered the living room. "What are we gonna watch first-" I was interrupted by Maniko "BLACK BUTLER!" She shouted

"ok damn. Calm down child" Putting on black butler (dubbed or subbed is up to you) I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat

"Which snacks?" I asked "anything is fine!" I heard her from the living room "ight, Chips, soda's, chocolate, etc" I grabbed whatever I could in my hands and walked back into the living room.

"Here we are" Placing everything in front of us, we digged into our 'dinner'

"Oh my god, Alios acts like a child- oh wait he is" I face palmed at Maniko's statement

"Does he look like an adult to you?"

"Yes, yes he does"

"Ciel and Sebastian really is a great duo" I spoke trying to leave the topic alone for now

"Oh I forgot you have a crush on Sebastian and many other guys in here!" Maniko started to tease me "shut up! You simp for other anime guys" we both stared at each other

"Were so lonely oh my gawd!" We both cried out wiping away some tears that came out of nowhere

"Honestly we're weird-" Maniko said still upset about anime guys not being real still. "Agreed" I nodded, we both felt tired and decided to go asleep since it was 3 in the morning.

flashback ended

"Earth to Y/n!!" I heard someone call behind me making me jump up, "who's there! I swear-" I stopped when I looked who it was

Claude, Alios, Ciel, Sebastian

"Hold up- did I miss a chapter?" I looked around still oblivious that my favorite anime characters are still alive!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" They looked at me shocked as I burst out crying "I MISSED Y'ALL SO MUCH! I SWEAR ALL OF Y'ALL GROWN SOME INCHES WHILE I WAS GONE-" They we're startled at my sudden outburst still

No ones POV

They stood there shocked at the crying woman in front of them. The once burstful, carefree, happy Y/n, was standing there crying her eyes out before engulfing them all in a hug

"What happened....?" Ciel asked confused and quite suspicious, "It seems Y/n has gotten her memories back" Sebastian responded

"Wait all of them?!" Alios shouted "yes, all of them" Everyone soften up as they felt Y/n crying on them. "I'm such a bad caretaker! I shouldn't have left you guys! I'm sorry!" Said girl cried her eyes out like it was the end of the world.

y/n's POV

"Can we go see the others?" They all nodded. We headed outside and in the carriage that was surprisingly still out here.

_First stop was undertaker_

We entered the shop, I got excited and wanted to cry again, "hehehe, welcome young Earl's would you be doing the honor and fitting for one of me coffins?" We heard a voice speak

"UNDERTAKER!!" I shouted, Undertaker stepped out only to get knocked to the ground by me "Oh my it seems you found you're way back to us Y/n" a grin was plastered on his face.

I didn't care how crazy I looked, I was just happy to see them and their faces again. Undertaker came along with us on our journey to see everyone else.

_Next was Grell_

We walked around still not finding any sign of that red head. We walked into a alleyway still seeing absolutely nothing

"She isn't here either" Alios whined trying to get this goal of mine over with.

I started to get sad again "Where is that red haired woman! Why is it always hard to grab her attention-" I stopped as I got an idea "Oh Grellieee! I think my favorite red head isn't anywhere" They looked at me like that was gonna get her attention

"I'm who's favorite now?!"

I looked up to see the red reaper jump down in front of us. "GRELL!!!" I attacked the woman with hugs "Y/n-babe? Oh you're ok thank god!" she hugged me back.

"I thought I wouldn't see this bundle of H/C hair ever again!" she pinched my cheeks "Why you-" I smiled as I felt happy to see her.

Grell tagged along, since she needed more information and to help us to the reaper thing where Will and Ronald are at.

_Ronald and Will_

We entered the place and it was huge! Everyone glared at Sebastian and Claude since they are demons

"Oh Will~ Ronald~ someone wants to see you two!" Grell cooed as she looked at his 'men' "what is it now? I swear I'm not doing another clean up" Ronald glared at one of the Reaper's behind him

"I also don't want to get over time" Will spoke

"I missed you both as well" I poked my head out to see both Will and Ronald's eyes widen. "Robin-" I hugged them just like how I hugged the rest of the group.

We entered a room that had no reapers in it. "I missed all of you're faces, your clothes, you're voices!" They stood in front of me, lined up, just how we met

"I say, you really are the same Y/n" Ciel said making me glare at him

"We have a problem on our hands" I gave a serious tone, they gulped. "My mom had set me up on an arranged marriage when I was 10, that same man had been after me since I was 13. He's extremely dangerous and wants to marry me, note I am 21 now and he's 29. Yes 8 years apart wonderful." They all listened "I had no interest in marrying someone who just wants status, and attention from the public, no offense Ciel and Alios. But what I'm really saying here is he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. His name is-" I paused before looking them dead in the eyes- well in Ciel's case eye

"Ace Nelman"

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Ace threw everything off of his desk "why the hell would she tell them?!" 

"Boss please calm down" Andrew soothed the guy by giving him calming tea "don't worry Y/n, you will be mine, I don't care if you have you're memories or your friends. I will marry you if its the last thing I do (Ouat reference used)
Astros: well! That happened... Ok i'mma leave now I got nothing else for ya. Bye bye

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