I entered the living room, being full of all these people still partying like there is no tomorrow. I had no energy to cope with this thing. All I have to do is leave, now! I need to leave, I dont wanna spend another second in this house.
Where is Yuqi? Where is Minho?
I started peeking around just to find out a single one of them and use them as the perfect getaway. I know they would help me if I ask for hel[p but instead of them someone else is seizing my wrist. I turn around and my eyes locked with Seulgi.
Seulgi: Where are you going?
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She noticed the suitcase on my hand, completing the pieces herself. I haven't practiced on how to hide my feelings yet so I seriously didnt know what to say.
Seulgi: What did he say to you?
Again, She completed the puzzle. Almost like she could read my mind. With Seulgi I rarely have to talk cause she always figures out everything. With a sudden gulp I decide to sigh and look starlight back at her.
Y/n: I need to leave... Now...
Seulgi: Okay, Lets go...
Always supportive. Even though she didnt know anything she just nodded and tried to protect me from whatever I am struggling.
Y/n: First, I... I...
And thats when I felt my tears being held harder in my eyes. I wanted to realise them but instead I gritted my teeth and enhaled deeply.
Seulgi: Shhh, Its okay, Tell me... What?
She caressed both my arms and attempted to smile at me. Her support didnt help me feel better but still it was nice to know I have someone.
Y/n: Y-Yuqi... and M-Minho...
I explained and Seulgi took the memo. When I spotted her certain nod I was assured she knew what she was about to do, and right now she was the only person I could feel like trusting. I was seriously about to collapse so she was only keeping me up somehow.
Seulgi: I'll be right back... Wait...
She ran, cleared a path in the crowd and started tracking down my friends. The first one that managed to appear among all of them was Minho. He had his laptop on his one arm and a bag o the other. I guess he really worked at a party after all. That would usually make me laugh at my friend's innocence but right now I was empty. I have to leave.
Minho: What happened?
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