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I Dont know why I even agreed to this. To be more specific I was forced still I could something to stop it - so why didnt I? Was it because of curiosity? Because I wanted to see if he is indeed fine? I mean, suddenly no one is mentioning a tiny bit of information, about him. Why? They used to never shut up and now they act like he doesnt exist?

That can only be suspicious. 

Plus, that day on the treehouse. He said this pain is going to end. What did he mean? Where is he? Am I overthinking? I probably am. He is probably on the way too the prom exactly like we are. He wears a black tuxedo and his favourite perfume that smells like flowers. 

Jimin: Whats with the face? 

Jimin asked from the seat in front of me. He seemed to be paying attention to me for a while.

Y/n: What face? 

Jimin: You look like this girl from a video clip that looks tragically out of the window? What? Is this your way of Vibing to that melancholic music? 

He announced and I shrugged my shoulders. Indeed, the music they had on was far from a prom night one. More like lets die in my mansion - and let me say, yes I would love to die in your mention right now! Only because I want these torturing thoughts to end.

Y/n: I am fine... 

Seulgi: You need to... be more alive, we are going to the prom! 

Minho: Y/n never liked proms?

Yuqi: Then why did you force us to bring her here? 

Oh, so it was all Minho's idea! Honestly I am not surprised, he is always meddling in some way or another - of course he is the leader of this paranoia. Now everyone was about to blame him so I put my hand on his and smile. 

Y/n: No, I love people dancing until they sweat and drink hideous juice for the entire night. Especially when Kim Jennie wins for prom queen and slams the trophy to my face! We are gonna have a marvellous time... 

Yep, that sounded too fake, I bet my smile didnt convince anyone. 

Jimin: Yeah, You seem so happy... 

Jimin teases me. 

Seulgi: We are hereee!

Seulgi pointed out of the window for us to realize the limo parked right outside the venue. Jimin was the lfirst one to walk out and hold the door open for all of us. I was the last one to walk out with his help.

Jimin: What a nice fake smile... 

He whispered to my ear while I was fixing my prom dress. 

Y/n: What are you talking about? Its not fake.. 

I whisper back. 

Jimin: You would indeed be a prom queen if crime was a contest. 

He whispered right next to my ear, referring to that same old song we used to listen at the van all the time back when we were still playing on game off hearts. A genuine chuckle came out so naturally giving him the satisfaction. 

Jimin: Finally... I love seeing my best friends smiling... 

He announced and I felt my heart getting all warm. 

Y/n: Best friends? 

Jimin: Yes, we are, aren't we? We are a family now...

He caressed my arm. A family? That feels so nice and warm. Here it gies again. That smile I surely hate but today I kinda find it easily. 

Jungkook: Y/n-ahhhhhh!

That same voice that can destroy every inch of happiness  inside of me. But today I felt a bit joyful hearing Jungkook's mellow voice. I seriously loved when I turned around and show him running towards me. Not for too long cause then he hugged me - I swear I almost died at this moment. 

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