Let me see your arm

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(This is a story set in Derry before all the clown shit, it's based of something that happened with me but it's not exactly identical so a lot of things will obviously be different than what actually happened. If you can't handle the topic of needles, blades, cutting, or so on then it's probably best you skip this chapter. Also yall I was trapped on my toilet for like 80 hours and no one helped💀. Also my mom got the off brand Ketchup and it kinda taste weird but eh it's alright all though it didn't blend well with my McDonald's fries. Ok I actually gotta get this story started😭)

Derry main; 1987

Eddie, Stanley, and Bill were all hanging out, "Hey have any of you all seen Richie?"(E) "No, why?"(S) "Just the last few days he hasn't hung out with us at all."(E) "I'm s- sure he's f-fine eddie."(B) "If you say so."(E)

Later that night eddie couldn't sleep at all. Every time he tried thoughts of richie just kept entering his mind, whether it was if he's ok or where he's at. I sat up and went to go get a glass of water to see my mom had locked my door. "What the fuck." He muttered to himself, he then walked to the bathroom and felt a feeling in his dick.

"Fuck I need to piss." He talks to himself again. He shuts the bathroom door and locks it and then takes his piss. After washing his hands the best he can and tucking himself back into his pants he walks out.

He looks up to see richie and is about to scream before richie puts a hand over his mouth. Once richie has his hand down eddie gets calmed down.

"What the hell?"(E) "Sorry to interrupt you tickling your pickle but I couldn't go home."(R) "I wasn't tickling anything Richard." Eddie notices the tear stains on his face. "We're you, crying?" "What? No I don't cry I just make jokes and tickle my pickle." "Ew never tell me about your jerking off habits again."

"Admit it, you like it." "No richie that's gross." "Ya whatever eds anyways mind if I chill here for the night?" "First of all my names not eds and second you know you can't do that." "Oh come on just for the night please I can't go back home my dad will actually bea- be so mad."(R)

"Look richie I'm sorry about your dad but you can't stay here my mom will ground me for years." Richie let's out a little laugh. "What?" "Nothing it's just, out of everyone I know I though you would be the only one to understand, but even you- even you don't." His. Breaths getting shaky, hands following. He puts his hands on his head, he backs up to a wall and slides down landing on the floor.

Hands still on his head

Grabbing his hair practically ripping it out, Eddie's probably staring at rich like he's crazy. Finger nails dipping into the skin of richie's while flesh.

mind still racing

You could to spend the night he's just saying that cause he doesn't like you

No one does

Your a Fag richie

An ugly dumb fairy that no one will love

Look at your parents

Not even they could love you.

foot taping the floor




Who was richie "Who am I." What was wrong with richie tozier. "Whats wrong with me Eddie, what's wrong with me!"

Eddie looked at richie, full of despair. "Look at me richie" Richie continues looking down foot still tapping, still holding his head, mind racing, he shakes his head no. "Richie please look at me?"(E)

He continues shaking his head no, he puts his arms to where he can still grab his head and keep it down but now his ears are covered.

"It's gonna be ok there is nothing wrong with you."(E) He just shakes his head more. "Richie fucking tozier please look at me right now."(E) Richie pulls his legs more against his chest and rests the top of his arms on his knees while his head rests of the arms and forearms over the back of richie's head.

I feel warm; "I feel warm." Eddie notices the scars jus then when richie goes to wipe his nose with his sleeve. "Let me see your arm." "No." "Why rich? It's just me." "No eddie your gonna be disappointed in me like everyone else is." "Richie you could never make me disappointed."(E)

With that he fixes his arms laying them straight out towards eddie. Eddie pulls the sleeves up and turns his arms the other way to reveal an arm full of cuts. "Did you do these yourself?" Richie nods. "Hey its ok rich, sometimes the depression gets ahold of us and we do stupid things. I'm not mad at you, just try not to do it again, we all wouldn't be the losers without you rich. I love you- we all love you."(E)

Eddie pulls richie into a hug, they both felt happy, maybe it was then.

Maybe that was the moment, their moment. The moment they had both realized they were in love with one another.
Okay I'm so proud of this one and the writing in it. Or well sum of the writing. Anyways ya also Anthony is coming back next chapter I have some ideas down but I know he's gonna be around 2 in the next chapter so ya

But my ideas are Like first day of daycare, first time at a park, a one shot thing with him Jonathan and nancy, father son Day, mother son Day, and one I want to be a suprise.

But also yall I might add random one shot of reddie, nick and will and so fourth because it's my story and I want to.

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