Chapter One: New Begining

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The smell of stale alcohol reeked through this place. My best friend's father owns this rotten hell hole- The Iron Lass. The days are long, the money isn't worth the hours and I didn't want to be here 99% of the time. We have to wear our hair down, which is so irritating though we musn't complain about our work.

Although I did, quite a lot actually, but that was standard. Wouldn't you complain if you had to work for basically nothing?

It was finally time to serve the filthy men at the end table their cheap nasty ale. I didn't like working here, no one really did.

I traced my hands across the rough wooden remains of the bar, you could visually see the specks of blood and God knows what other germs and what not on here. Bar fights have to be my favourite, it's like a free show! I like guys getting their ass kicked by other guys, it's natural selection if I ever saw it.

"Excuse me?" I heard a rather heavy man approach me, looking slightly sloppy if I must say so myself. You won't find a gentlemen, or a well dressed man in here, that's a promise.

"Yes, sir?" I have to talk to our money supplier, I wish I didn't. I don't understand why people come here, they basically drink away their life savings, and go home to their disappointed wife's.

"Woman, would you like to join me and my friends in a game of 3 brag? I wouldn't mind taking all of your money." He wore a superior smirk, little did he know. I've worked in a bar for quite a while, I've been around bars mostly all my life- I know how card games work. I wish he'd use my actual name though, I'm not some type of dog.

"I don't know how to play Mr, but I'll try." This is my cue, you see life is one big gamble, my father always said it was. I've learnt to take each day as it comes, It's all about the chances taken, and I took a lot of em'.

"I'll deal em' out for you, I wouldn't want a woman like you messing that up." His laugh filled the large space, his dirty, and old crew members laughed alongside him. They're like his follow alongs-they don't have their own personalities so they sponged off his.
I was down to my last life. I had to give it my all, I for sure wasn't a quitter and I wouldn't let them make a fool out of me. I had to prove myself- I don't know why but I just want people to see that I do more than pour the drinks around here.

"All in." A trail of sweat trickled down my face, I wasn't sure. I was winging it, and I was winging it bad. I had no back up plan, and I didn't really know what to do if I lost. Well,
I'd be down by $20 dollars, and that's not good considering I need to pay my landlord- technically Justin's dad. I needed to win this.

I was always like a bird, I had nothing but the clothes on my back and I always took flight. I never had a reason to stick around really, well I until recently- when I landed this job.

"Aye, Jimmy put in the tickets, I'm taking this all home." Jimmy mentally argued with himself to put the tickets on the table, it was easily seen. He did as he was told and placed them in the huge pile of dirty, manhandled coins. We had been playing this game for a while, luckily this place was a ghost town, else I'd be the sucker that got fired for not working. This is a good distraction.

"Show me what you've got." I wasn't sure I had this, 3 6's, that's just right for me. I was always the trouble maker, if their was a problem it was always me that caused it.

"3, 9's" FUCK! I saw a huge smirk spread across his face, he slid all of the coins off the table and into his hands. My father always said, If you want it, you've got to make it yours. Ah, he was an amazing thief. So that's exactly what I did.

I grasped the tickets firmly in my hands and ran, I bumped into Justin. Justin is my bosses son, which it just so happens to be my best friend and now he was going to be my  companion on the SS Titanic. I pulled him by his suspenders, he willingly went along with me. We were out of their in record time- running like our feet depended on it. He always trusted me, although we'd always get in trouble. Eh, me and my shenanigans! It never gets old, but I was always a fun time.

"What are we doing? Why are we doing this?" He raised an eyebrow as we were running to the docks. The wind went through our hair as we were weaving in and out of different people. The sun was beating down on my face, my only of shoes hitting the ground as I looked for some kind of sign or direction.

"We....were" I tried explaining in between pants, I could barely catch my breath, all I know is that we've escaped them- somehow. Probably in the mass of people surrounding the boat.

"Boarding the SS Titanic." It was rather forward, but that's what I liked, that was what I was used to. I've never really been on a huge boat like this though, this is new, and I was getting kinda nervous. I was more of a walking kinda girl.

"What did you do this time Alex?" He asks questions a lot, he's always been nosey. I'm glad he wants to come along with me, he didn't exactly say he didn't want to. I wonder if his father will figure out that we're gone, probably not. He was an alcoholic, that's one of the many reasons his bar was failing, he drinks all of the supply and stock. He was a good man when he tried to be.

"It doesn't matter come on Justin!" Our feet were tired but we managed to keep a steady pace... Now this was something I was never going to forget and frankly I didn't want to, because this was a new adventure and a new fresh start. That's what I needed, I just needed to get away and I didn't care if it was on a boat. I just hoped I'd have fun, and forget about all my problems!

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