Chapter Five: Charmed

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Me and Demi must have been around this ship at least 4 times, hours had past in fact. I've gotta admit it, for a rich girl, she's not half bad. We stopped by the ropes and both began leaning on the rails, we were having such beautiful weather- and Demetria was really nice company. Which reminds me- I needed to see Justin.

"Why can't I be like you Alex? Just head out for the horizon whenever I feel like it...Say we'll go sometime to that pier, even if we just talk about." I looked at her maintaining eye contact with every word she spoke.

"No, Demi we'll do it. We'll drink cheap beer, we'll ride on a rollercoaster until we throw up, then we'll ride horse on the beautiful beach, you'll have to do it like a real cowboy, non of that side saddle stuff." I giggled and her eyes lit up, it was most beautiful. I couldn't keep having these thoughts about her, it was wrong and I didn't need that right now.

"Like one leg on each side?" She cricked her nose, she laughed, it was the best unique laugh I've ever head. It's contagious.

"Y-yea." I managed to finally get out, I don't know why I'm acting like this. I'm not going insane form being on the water am I? No surely that couldn't be it.

"Will you show me?" Demi questioned, I didn't really know how to do it myself, but I wanted to impress her.

"Of course, If you like." I wanted to spend more time with her and see her from a different angle, I bet you any angle is beautiful.

"Teach me to ride like a man!" I was surprised, this outburst shocked me a little but I just kept laughing along with her.

"Why didn't they teach that in finishing school?" I joked, hopefully she'd get it.

"Of course not." She smiled, which was such a delight. I can already tell, we're going to be spending a lot more time together.

"Oh I wanna chew tobacco like a man! And spit like a man!" I knew how to spit, everyone did, especially if you worked at a bar where it's natural just to spit in a can. It's horrible cleaning that up- let me tell you.

"Well, I'll show you, watch closely." I could spit quite far, me and Justin had little contests to see who would win. He always did, I never hawked up enough saliva.

"Selena, you can't do that-" I think I just did. I guess Demi didn't like hearing my spit or seeing it but she asked. It's probably because she's not used to breaking the rules or coming out of her posh crafted million dollar shell.

"I just did." I laughed, voicing my thoughts from 5 seconds ago.

"That's disgusting!" She lightly chuckled. I loved her laugh, it seemed enlightening, and natural. It wasn't forced like her many smiles I've seen lately. I can't seem to stop my mind from doing what I don't want it to do. My brain always screws me either way.

"Your turn." I don't think shes going to actually do it. I'll try to convince her though, maybe she'd surprise me.

"Alexandra, I can't. It's not lady like at-" I thought she wanted to act like a man, why is she so confusing. She's so hard to figure out.

"Come on, Demi! You can do it!" She managed to bring up the littlest amount of Saliva, I've ever saw and spit it.

"That was poor and pitiful." I yelled. I went close to Demi again, gosh she smells so good. Demi smells exactly like you'd expect her to smell sweet and pure. I really hawked the spit up this time and it went so far!

"Did you see the range on that thing?" I noticed this old couple looked at me in disgust, I knew I wasn't apart of them, but they thought so lowly of me. I saw Demi shoot them a glare but I couldn't quite work out why. Demi stroked my arm for some reason, I couldn't think of a reason why, maybe she saw my goose bumps.

I of course carried on the conversation to avoid awkwardness. I was always quite the talker, sometimes people would pay me to shut up.

"See you really have to put your efforts in there and hawk the spit up." I went to spit again but felt a soft pat on my shoulder. I turned around and spotted Demi's mother. Shit. I've met the cute girls mother with a mouth full of Saliva. I quickly swallowed and wiped my chin.

"Mother, May I introduce you to this lovely woman, Alexandra Russo!" Demi got so excited introducing me to her mother. I'm so glad I made a friend.. If I could call her that I suppose. I've not had a lot of experience with higher class people.

"Charmed, I'm sure." Mrs Lovato replied looking disgusted. Was I allowed to call her that? I don't really care, she seems horrible. First class don't hesitate to show what they're feeling do they, why are they all so damn rude? Well not all of them.

I looked behind Demi's mother to see a woman, she looked a lot like her. I thought she looked quite beautiful, I saw her brown hair flow down to her back, I would say she looked about 30, Maybe. I was never good at guessing ages. I was good at gambling and card games  but I can't really read people, they confuse me and then I don't understand.

"DALLAS! I've missed you so much!" Demi yelled, we even got some stares. Dallas is a pretty name, although I've never been.

Mrs Lovato pulled Demi away from who I assume is Dallas. But whispered something in her ear I wasn't quite sure of. Demi automatically stood up straight and introduced me to Dallas.

"I don't know if you heard about me almost falling off the boat, but Alexandra saved me!" I briefly smiled and looked at Demi, it was nothing really. I didn't really do much but get cold.

"Well! Alexandra you seem like a great person to have around in a unusual clumsy situation. That's Demi for you." But was it? Was jumping off the side of the boat 'Demi' I don't think it was. I think this girl has more problems then she's willing to let off.

The dinner just got announced by the really loud annoying bell, I'm pretty sure I have to go find Justin, he's probably in his cabin making some love song. Justin's a hopeless romantic, you won't find many around, not as great as him. Truly has been my saviour for all these lonely years.

"Demetria , we have to go, Dinner is ready." Demi's mother seems so demanding. I guess it's a first class thing. I don't know if this is normal or not considering I never really had parents that shouted at me.

"I wish they would stop announcing the dinner like that it's hurting my ears." Awh Dallas she must be the second comedian of the family, under Demi of course. She seems like the type of person I would get along well with.

"I have to go Alexandra, and thanks for everything." Our eyes connected for a split moment, my cheeks flushed. I realised I had to say something without making a fool out of myself.

"W-well, it was erm nice meeting you Mrs Lovato, and Dallas.. Have a pleasant evening." That didn't go that bad, it didn't go that good either... I thought I totally nailed it.

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