Chapter Twelve: Alex?

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I had been down in the cellar for  awhile, sorting a range of different alcohols ready for the new delivery. I liked everything to be neat. It's less hassle and it gets my mind off of certain things. I heard a thud- that's Justin hitting his head on the post coming down the wooden stairs.

"Alex.." I dropped the barrel and poked my head out from the surrounding ones.

"Yeah?" He walked over to me, patting the top of the crate.

"Some woman is asking of you." That's weird. I haven't spoke to any women, and I didn't know why they'd want me.

"Did you get her name?" I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. What if this is a scam? I don't know any other people.

"Well- I-no." I rolled my eyes and patted my hands on my jeans. This better be good.

"She's on table four." I stomped my way up the stairs and back into the bar area. I got to the table and looked down. I don't see anyone here? However under a drink of some sort, there was a little slightly damp note.

'It was extremely loud in here, my apologies. Please meet me around the back.' That arose suspicion inside of me. Why would they leave a note? I did as instructed. I hoped they weren't going to kill me, there's too many people for them to get away with it anyway. It was Saturday, most men had no work tomorrow, and we had a 2 for 1 special on ale.

I ducked in between men, making sure not to fall during the process. The mysterious person was right, there was a tournament of some kind. I got to the door and exited. I looked around before going down the alley around the back. I'm crossing my fingers it's not some creep. I'd cross my toes, but I have to stand up.

"Alexandra....It's... It's really you." I faced the mysterious person that knew my name. My full name at that. I knew her voice. It couldn't be?

"Demetria... Is that really you?" She took off her glasses. I was in complete shock and overdrive. I raced up to her, and wrapped my arms around her. I didn't want to let her go. My heart was beating a million miles a second. I felt her return the favour. I cannot believe this is happening.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner. I had to get a ticket... I checked every bar in Southampton for you. I thought I'd never find you again." I could see her tears dripping from her eyes, as were mine. I cannot thank the world enough for bringing us together for a second time. My heart has gone into complete overdrive. Suddenly everything was okay. The sheer panic, and depression I had been carrying on my shoulders were somewhat lifted.

"I thought you died. I thought I'd never get to see you again Demetria." I was holding her in the middle of a slightly dark alley. I rested my head against her forehead and went to kiss her. I was so hungry for her touch, her kiss- I wanted everything she had to offer. I felt like I was living a dream- this isn't real life? Things are so good that didn't happen to me.

"You're all I thought about. You're all I ever want to think about Alexandra. I love you with all of me. My search is over and I've found my true love. I want to be with you- if you'd let me." I looked into her beautiful eyes which I'd be seeing only in my dreams recently. I missed everything about her, you never know who you truly have until they almost die. That didn't make sense but it was the best I could come up with. My head was so jumbled up. In a very good way, I was so happy right now. I could explode.

"You've not been off my mind either. I love you so much more. I always want you, and I'll never stop. I want to do all the things we promised. I want to die old with you... Dear God I just want you!" We kissed again, and it began to rain. I laughed as I pushed her curls out of her breathtaking face. The rain suddenly got a lot harder. I connected our hands and brought her through the bar and up the stairs up to my room. I locked it.

"Is this were you stay with that Justin boy?" I nodded and pulled her onto my bed. She looked tired as was I. I just wanted to sleep with her in my arms- we hadn't done that yet.

"Justin's dad owns the bar. We share the top of it." We were cuddled up close, and I felt so safe.

"Alex.. I rightfully would never ask a lady this but how old are you?" We hadn't really talked about our ages before. Demetria looked older than me now. Maybe it's just her status- she looked more mature than me.

"I'm seventeen." It was silent for awhile. I had no idea what to expect. She didn't look much older than me.

"I'm almost twenty-one." It wasn't that bad. We were already frowned upon. Women weren't meant to be together anyway. But we were happy, isn't that the main point of life? To lead it happily?

"My eighteenth birthday is in three weeks." It didn't matter much- I wasn't even as excited. I never was.

"I hope to celebrate it with you." She came closer to me, looking me in the eyes- she was on my side of the bed. Her head on the same pillow as mine. I loved her contact.

"I hope you celebrate many more with me." Her eyes were staring into mine. It's like right now nothing else mattered. Her brown eyes were something I could focus on forever.

"I'll always be with you for as long as you'll have me." I smiled.

"If I could marry you right now I would." I would. I still didn't know what we were. I didn't need to know right now- I wanted to but I'd be anything as long as I get to spend time with her.

"And I'd say yes. A million times over." If my eyes could change into hearts they would. I have never seen such beauty, and our bar was right by the sea. I wanted to know more about her. We didn't talk much about her past, or anything of the sort actually.

"So tell me, how did you not get married to Cal? Does your mother know you're here? She wouldn't come looking would she?" I did ask lots of questions I guess I was curious. It's been 4 months since I'd heard from her. She hasn't changed at all. She was still beautiful- she was a little less formal with her outfit but she still had that unforgettable smile accompanied with her breathtaking eyes.

"My mother thinks I'm dead. She probably doesn't care for it anyway. I would always make an excuse of not being ready- I adored my father and he'd try and postpone the event. He knew I never loved Cal. That's why I never fully gave myself to him, I wanted to wait until marriage." Her father seemed like a good man, and I'm glad she didn't completely give herself to someone so undeserving. She blushed at the last part.

"I understand. Why did you give yourself to me? Will you not miss Dallas?" Dallas and Demetria has a really close bond you could really tell. I hoped they would reunite soon.

"I have tried to contact Dallas. Although it's been difficult. I hope one day to find her. But it'd be more difficult than to find you, and I almost gave up so many times. I wanted you, you became irresistible with your charm and such amazing good humour." She makes me blush like no other person. I was a little sad for her not being able to keep up with Dallas, however we could try and find her together hopefully someday. I didn't like when she got sad.

"I see. Demetria we'll find her one day. But for right now I'm happy I get to spend my time with you." I was just so happy, but I know that when I get happy something always ruins it or better yet someone. I didn't know which but I was expecting something to ruin this unforgettable moment.

"As am I Alex. I can't keep my hands off you. I can't even begin to imagine what my mother would think of me." I was confused. I felt her hands on my lower back, as her feet were tangled.

"We shouldn't care about her now." I didn't like her mother much at all. She seemed to not care for Demi's feelings.

"I don't. Right now I just want to focus on you, and only you." She kissed me once more before straddling me. Her hair was still wet from outside as was mine. Her touch sent an electric shock through my entire body. I felt her undo my top button. We were doing it again- and hopefully I'd experience this many more times.

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