Chapter Seven: Love

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As I finished the last parts of my drawing, knocks from outside the room startled me. I felt something change drastically in my heart. I suddenly felt really bad knowing that Demi was married and it came flooding back.

I mean we'd kissed and I'd even seen her naked, it was all a bit much, I mean isn't it? I've not even known her that long- perhaps not even enough to really love her.

I don't know why but it feels right. It doesn't feel rushed, or forced at all. I just don't want to be apart from her, I felt safe, collected and happy with her by my side. But I'm still very doubtful of the whole situation.

"Demetria, your mother wants to meet with you." I saw her frantically throw her gown over her perfect naked body. I didn't want this to end, but unfortunately it had to. I just couldn't get my eyes to look away from her- it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Demi took my hand and led me to her bedroom, it was rather nice looking. Big. Empty. She hurriedly typed in the combination to the safe, I looked anywhere but at her hands, I didn't like knowing other people's information, it couldn't get me in trouble that way. She took the drawing out of my hands, and closed the safe, I'm guessing she liked it?

"Demetria, Are you okay? It's your mothers requests that she sees you at once. Wilmer is also expecting to accompany you." We could hear him talk through the door, I was just able to make out what he was saying, I felt bad leaving her to face whatever she had to alone. I felt like I had to protect her, but how? I wasn't anyone special and I didn't have enough power like her family or fiancé.

Demi opened up a door and led us through it, connecting our hands once again. I don't know what's going on, but I couldn't stop laughing. This was all surreal. The 3rd class girl, with the first class girl running through some small dark hallway, why? I don't even know. That's a question I have to ask myself later. I just can't stop thinking about her.

"Why are you laughing? It's s beautiful, but why?" I saw a smile appear on her face, I'm totally feeling insane right now. I don't know what's happening. We picked up the pace a bit more. I was running once again. I always seemed to be running from something. Maybe I was like my dad after all.

"It's all a little mad, isn't it? I mean we just ran from your fiancé's bodyguard. What are we even doing?" We went down this ladder, ah! A boiler-room! I jumped down the ladder first disconnecting our hands, helping Demi with the ladder and then reconnecting them again. I'd been running so much that my feet were starting to hurt.

"You shouldn't be down here." We got a few stern looks from the people operating this ship, but I didn't care so I flipped them the finger. That earned another laugh from Demi. I saw elegant cars up lined up ahead. I raced towards them, my feet hurt as they hit the floor, I'm so glad I get to have a break. They all looked so clean, and elegant.

I sat at the front of the car while Demi gracefully made her way into the back. She leant forwards and put arms around me. I felt her chin on my shoulder. I grinned.

"Where do you wanna go M'lady?"

"To the stars." She whispered in my ear before dragged me backwards and through the front of the posh looking car. It was really warm in here, probably because they were shoving coal into a really big fire place. I managed to sit on the seat close to Demi, but not too close.

"Alex, I just don't want to be apart from you. When this ship docks, I'm getting off with you." It looked like she genuinely enjoyed my company, her eyes full of so much hope and determination, those same chocolate brown eyes that make my heart pump faster then it should. The same eyes that make my hands shake and my mouth quiver into a smile whenever I look into them.

"Demi I know this is crazy... But it just feels so natural with you." We both went in for a kiss, things got a little more heated then they already were, but a lady doesn't share her personal details.
I hovered above her naked body, and rested my hand on the steamed up window for some stable support. This was all crazy, I just- I just had sex with a woman- a married woman. I'm feeling anxious but at the same time I feel so free and on top of the world. I love this feeling, and I love what this could potentially make us. But I also felt regret as soon I thought about a potential us. Their couldn't be an us, because she already had someone loving her.

"I feel like I've betrayed your fiancé, Demi you're still married." I just kept repeating this or bringing this up, I just- everything I stood for is ruined. I hated people who were dishonest, but what are we doing? The exact same thing, we'd probably just broken an innocent mans heart.

"Alex, I l- We shouldn't let my forced married stand in the way of us. This is true and pure, and I feel like I can be myself. I trust you and you saved me from becoming something I truly dreaded. Please, don't give up on me." I wouldn't give up her, my heart knew there was something different about her, I knew myself that she was like no other I've ever met before. Demi was different, she was a hard wave in a peaceful sea. She was a red flower among all the red ones, she was different like no other I had met before, and that's what made her stand out. I was feeling something different too, I'd had just gave myself to a woman I wasn't even sure of. Whom I have only met 2 days prior, but I was foolishly beginning to believe this would work.

I looked her in the eyes one more time, why did she make me swoon so much? In so little time she has managed to capture my heart, take the purest thing I had, and steal my cigarette. This girl would eventually be the death of me.

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