Chapter 7

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It's Monday now and I am back at school. I haven't seen Niall since the kiss and I'm really nervous about what today will bring. Hopefully he'll talk to me or something so we can sort this out, but I doubt it. He'll probably just continue being a dick.

Most of the day has already gone by and I haven't seen Niall anywhere. As I head to my music class I hear three voices behind me... one being the blonde boy that I've been looking for all day.

"Hey fag turn around. I know you can hear us." I hear Zayn yelling.
"What do you want now. I'm gonna be late for my next class." I don't even try to turn around. I just walk slower than I originally was.
"Hey don't talk to us like that bitch." I hear Josh say. I really don't care what they say. I'm just so done with them.
When I keep walking, I feel someone tug on my shoulder and shove me to the floor. I fall right on my arse.
"Hey you little prick when we call you, you listen." Zayn says, right before punching me hard in the stomach. Usually they just give me one or two punches but Zayn wouldn't stop. He punched my stomach, kicked my sides, and even slapped me! He probably beat me in every way possible. However, the beating didn't hurt nearly as much as the pain in my heart. When I looked up, Niall was just staring at me doing absolutely nothing to stop zayn. It hurt. I thought he cared about me but he obviously doesn't.

"Ok guys that's enough. We're gonna be late to class and I don't want this on my record." Niall says, tugging Zayn away from me.
"Well Josh and I are ditching so see ya later Ni." Zayn says while backing away from me.
"Yeah bye." Niall replies.
"Bye fag" Zayn yells to me. He then makes his way to the stairs with josh following him.

When they finally go down the stairs, I'm still on the floor crying. Niall crouches down and just sits next to me.
"Why are you here?" I ask him even though I'm in so much pain.
"I just wanted to make sure you were ok." he replies.
"Well I'm fine." I try to say through the the tears. When I look up at him, I can see that he has tears in his eyes.
"No your not." he gently grabbed my head and put it on his lap. He starts to gently stroke my cheek. He wipes all the tears away then places a kiss on my nose.
"You'll be alright" he smiles down at me. I can't help but smile back, then I remember that he didn't even try to stop my beating.

"No stop," I tell him and I remove my head from his lap, "I can't do this. you call me a fag and treat like shit and then involuntarily kiss me. You call me all these horrible names and then kiss me again. I mean we aren't even friends and I just don't know!" I didn't mean to say all of that but once I started talking, I couldn't stop. it was like word vomit.

"Oh, well I'm just trying to be nice..."
"By kissing me?!" I interrupt him in disbelief. "Look I know you don't like me and I think you're a dick so let's just not be anything but civil to each other until we are done with this stupid project." I tell him while getting up and walking to music class. I didn't know what was going to happen now but all I know is that I don't want anything to do with him... even if I do love him... or like... not to sure.

I didn't know what to do after he said all of that. Did he really not even want to be friends? I know I'm a dick but I just can't help the feeling of wanting to always be with him. Whenever I see him, I crave him more and more. The kiss that we shared at my house was magical and it proved that I liked him.
From the fireworks to his lips... I loved everything about it.

When I realise that I've been sitting on the floor long enough, I make my way to the music classroom. I walk in, extremely late, but Mr. Tomlinson didn't even notice because he was to busy flirting with MY Harry. By the time I take my seat the bell rings and its time for my last class, theatre.

When I get to the auditorium, where the class takes place, I see Perrie, my ACTUAL best friend. You see I don't really like Zayn or Josh but we are like the kings of school, me being the head king of course. Even though I spend most of my time with them, Perrie is the only person that truly knows me. She knows every detail about me and I to her.

"Hey Pez!" I call to her exitedly.
"Ni!" She yells back. We quickly hug and take our seats.
"We haven't talk in a while." she tells me while jutting her bottom lip out.
"I know, I know," I tell her while bringing her into my side, "how about you come over today and we have a sleep over? We can build a fort, watch movies, eat junk food..."
"Niall it's Monday." she interrupts with a laugh, "the least fun day of the week."
"Well then we'll make it Monday Funday!" I shake her shoulders trying to convince her.
"Ugh ok Niall. We can have Monday Funday." She tells me while laughing.
"Yay!" I yell while I hug her and kiss her cheek. At that moment, the teacher walks in.

"Hello class." Ms. Lively greets us. She starts explaining what our schedule for today's class is and we begin.
"Ok now can I please have Niall and Liam to the stage." she calls. We are doing an improv. activity where we have to display a plot that she picks out of a hat. Unfortunately I got Liam, Harry's best friend. They are usually in every class together but for some reason Liam has theatre while Harry has chemistry.

She grabs the hat and picks out a folded post it. She then unfolds it and reads it.
"Ok so you guys have to play two best friends that are secretly, madly in love. Got it?" She asks. We can't really say that we don't want to do something so we both just nod our heads.
"Ok and action."

"Um hey Ni you wanna come over again? I just got the new FIFA and I wanted to try it out with my best friend," he said acting really shy.
"Anything for my cute best friend," I say, poking is cheek.
"Um Ni? Why do you always call me cute?" He questions.
"Well um..." I start pretending to stutter, "cuz...I... I think your cute." I finish. It came out more like a question then a statement.
"Well I think you're beautiful." He says taking a step forward and grabbing my hips.
"You think I'm beautiful?" I question.
"Yes, whenever I see you that's the first thing that comes to my mind. Niall I... I... lo..." he continues but I cut him off. "I love you," I tell him, "so much and for so long and I..." I was interrupted by Liam pressing his lips on mine. Because we were acting, I couldn't pull away so I grabbed his neck and started to kiss back. It was a gentle kiss and I finally pulled away. We put our forwards together and he began talking.
"I love you too Ni, forever..." he pauses and I finish his sentence, "and ever." Then we smile at each other and hear a everyone applause for us. We pull away from each other and look at Ms. Lively for any comments, criticism, or anything really.

"Wow boys that was really touching. You made it so believable. You took my instructions and made it entirely your own and that is what I'm looking for in my students. You both get an A and I'm bringing you guys food next class. That was astounding." she says and I feel ecstatic, mainly because we are getting free food. When she told us we can come of the stage, I leaned over to Liam and whispered a "good job" in his ear. Then he turned around and said, "thank you, you to" and we parted ways.

As I head back to my seat next to Perrie the bell rings and we both rush out of the auditorium. When we go outside, she tells me to wait while she tells her mum that she is coming over. As I wait there, I scan through the crowd of the noisy teenagers. I stop scanning when I see Harry flirting with some boy. The boy was probably a new student because I haven't seen him before. all I know is that my blood began to boil when I saw the douche ruffle Harry's hair and Harry blush a second later.

Perrie then calls for me which pulls me out of my thoughts.
"My mum said yes so let's go!" She tells me and we both start walking to my house.
Expect some 5sos guys. B)

And Ms. Lively is obviously Blake Lively....who is queen.

All the love - A

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