Chapter 5

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The final bell rang which signaled that school was over. I went outside and waited for Harry to come out. I couldn't help but feel excited that I was going to see Harry. As happy as the feeling makes me feel, I wish it went away. I hate feeling like this. I feel so torn. I don't know if I like Harry or not!

All these thoughts leave my head when I see a full head of curls walk my way.
"Hey Niall." Harry greets me with a dimpled smile.
"Um...hey" I reply.
We stand there for a little in an awkward silence until I decide to speak up.
"So should we get going then?" I ask.
"Um yeah sure."

Once we get to my house we head to my room and sit on my bed.

"So um how do you wanna start this?" He asks.
"Um I don't know..." I mumble to him. You could feel the tension between us and its just making this very uncomfortable.
" I have something written down if hear it." He seemed really nervous.
"Um sure lets hear it." I offer him a smile which he gladly returns.

I like this whole "let's be decent to each other" agreement. It feels good to not fight with Harry. Although, we aren't exactly acting like friends... it still feels good.

"Ok go."

"Ok." he says while pulling out a little book with a brown leather cover. It looked pretty worn out if you ask me.

"Ready?" I asked.
"Um yeah," he said, opening up to a page with writing.

He looked up at me and started singing.

"I don't care what people say when we're together..." I looked up and stared right into his eyes.
"You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep." His voice was beautiful and I couldn't help but scoot closer to him.
"I just want it to be you and I forever..." I couldn't control myself and I started leaning in.
"I know you wanna leave so c'mon baby be with me so happily." By the time he was done, our noses were touching. That's how close we were.

"That was amazing." I told him in awe.

"Thanks." He grinned at me. We were still extremely close but I couldn't move away.
"Your voice is amazing Harry." I told him, looking into his eyes but flickering to his lips.
"Th...thanks" he stuttered.

I couldn't help it. I kissed him. right when I placed my lips on his, I felt his body stiffen. I didn't care though. Right when I felt his plump lips on mine, I felt fireworks. I've kissed many people in my life, and I mean MANY, but they've never felt as special as this. I finally felt his lips start to move and I was in pure bliss. It felt amazing. Our lips moved in sync and fit perfectly with each other. It was perfect.

Once I finished singing, I realized how close Niall and I were. He kept praising me and I loved it. Although, I was completely caught off guard when he lent in and kissed me. Right when his lips touched mine, my whole body went stiff. I couldn't believe that, Niall Horan, my crush, the boy that I liked, was actually kissing me. When I finally realized it, I started kissing back. All I felt was fireworks. Our lips moved slowly with each other. He reached up and put his hand on my cheek to hold me in place. I reached for his neck and tangled my fingers in the hair on the back of his neck.

When we finally pulled away, we were both panting. He put his forehead on mine and I'm sure I was grinning like an idiot. I was about to speak up when my phone started to ring. I moved away from him and picked up my phone. I looked at my phone and saw that Gemma was calling me.

*On the phone*
H: Hey Gem.
G: Hi Harry.
H: Um what's up?
G: It's Mum...she...she...
H: She what Gemma?
G: She's in the hospital Harry!
H: What? I thought she was fine.
G: She is Harry... well she was... I... I don't know Harry.
H: Alright um... I'll be there in thirty or less.
G: Okay... I'll see you then Haz.
H: Bye Gem.
G: Bye.
*Off the phone*

"Harry what's wrong?" Niall asked me as soon as I got off the phone.
"Um nothing... I uh... I have to leave... goodbye.." and with that being said, I rushed out of his house and straight to the hospital.

On my way to the hospital, I try to worry about my mum, but the only thing I can do is think about the kiss that me and Niall shared just a few minutes ago. I've never felt a kiss like that before, but then again, I don't have anything else to compare it to. Niall was my first kiss and if that's how most kisses are... I've really been missing out. I hate that I had to leave him like that but this is an emergency.

The thing that's really bothering me though is, why? Why would he kiss me like that if he hates me? He is so mean to me yet he goes ahead and does this? I mean I'm not complaining but why is all I wanna know. I mean if this means that he does like me then why does he treat me like shit? Like is he even gay? What if it was just some stupid bet that he made with his friends or something?I just don't understand and I'm so fucking confused.

I stop thinking about all of this once I see the big white building in front of me. All of my thoughts and feelings are gone and all I feel is nerves. I walk up the first couple steps of the hospital and head inside.

Cliffhanger!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this 1k word long chapter!

Narry kissed!! But what's up with Harry's mom??

Do you guys remember in the last chapter when I mentioned that Gemma skipped a year of school for family reasons?? Yeah keep that in mind.

Anyway thank you for reading this and just thank you! Please vote and comment!

All the love - A.

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