Chapter 10

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My date with Luke was exactly a week ago, and it was so much fun! Ok so maybe it wasn't a date but it was still amazing. It's Friday now and Luke is absent which means I've been in my classes ALONE! And before anybody asks... no, I have not talked to Niall since last Friday. Do I see him around? Yes. do I sometimes feel like he is staring at me? Yes. He probably isn't but I don't know I just get that feeling. I don't care though because I'm 100% sure that I have feelings for Luke. I mean I'm not in love or anything but I do have a crush on him. When I'm with Luke I forget about Niall. Oh yeah... I don't like Niall anymore. He's a jerk and I'm finally seeing that.

Anyway I should probably invite Niall over because we still have our project to work on which, by the way, is not even close to being half way done.
Im in my last five minutes of class and after this I get to go home! Well with Niall but still.

The final bell rang which means that school is over! As I make my way down the hall I look for the blonde boy that has made my life hell. Once I spot him I ran right towards him.

"H-hey Niall." I curse myself for stuttering.
"Hah, the little fag can't speak!" I hear Zayn yell from behind him.
"Zayn drop it... whats up?" Niall asks. To be honest I'm quite surprised that he defended me.
"Hey um I was just wondering if you wanted to come over today...", I ask him. He gave me a weird look that said 'for what?'
"Oh for the project! If you want to come over to work...on the project." I explained.
"Oh um yeah sure let me just get my stuff and we could head off, yeah?"
"Oh yeah that's cool." I smiled.

Once Niall finally finished getting his stuff, we headed off.
"So have you worked on the song at all?" He asks me.
"Um no not really I haven't had time... you?" I asked back.
"Um yeah actually I have some lyrics that we might be able to use."
"Yeah ok cool, cool."

The rest of the walk to my house was silent and awkward. when we finally got to my house I opened my door and saw Gemma on the couch.
"Um hey Gem. This is Niall. We are working on a project together. Niall, this is my sister Gemma" I introduced them both and they both said their hellos.
"Ok so we'll be in my room if you need anything." I told her as we were walking up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Alright, if anything, use protection!" She yelled. I looked back at her and flushed red from embarrassment. I could hear Niall snort and chuckle beside me.

Once we got into my room I sat on my bed and Niall sat on the floor all no he just sat in the floor ok I don't like him.

"So how old is Gemma?" He asked.
"Oh she's 20." I answered.
"Shouldn't she be in Uni?"
"Um yeah but she took a year off."
"Why?" I didn't want to talk about Gemma anymore so I quickly changed the subject.
"So can I hear what you wrote?" He let the subject go and quickly answered. "um yeah."

I don't know why he got all tense when I asked questions about his sister, but I let it slide. I'm gonna be honest... Harry hasn't heard me sing and I'm kinda nervous that he'll think I suck.

As I get the lyrics ready I remembered that I also put some chords to it.
"Um I actually have some music to it and I also added music to your part of the song... if that's ok.."
"No yeah that's cool I can't play guitar for shit so you would have had to eventually." he responded. He's so awkward but I find that strangely attractive... Don't judge me.
"So do you have a guitar that I can barrow?" I asked him.
"Oh yeah yeah, here." he handed me the guitar and I got it ready.

When it was tuned and ready to go Harry got a call. All I heard was a 'yeah' and a 'um no I'm busy' and a 'maybe some other time but this is more important.' I felt kinda great maybe awesome that he chose me over whoever was on the phone.
"Sorry that was Luke he wanted to hang out but I told him I was busy," he brushed it off like it was nothing. In your face Luke he chose me. "so instead we're gonna go out another time." Never mind Luke you're still in the lead.

After I sang him my part of the song we figured out what part of the song our parts would be. Then we came up with a prechorus. all we needed was another verse and a bridge.

"So can we take a break Im tired." I told him. He said yeah so I jump on his bed facing the ceiling with my hands behind my head. Harry then moved around so that he mimicked my position on the bed.

"So I have a question..." he said. I looked at him and motioned for him to continue. He look at me then looked back at the ceiling.
"Why did you kiss me... like again and again?" At first I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him. He finally looked back at me and I just smiled at him.
"Cause I wanted to." I replied and he blushed and looked away.
"No you didn't, you think im disgusting. I mean thats why you bully me... well bullied."

"Harry I think your the most beautiful person I've ever seen" I told him and he looked at me.
"Are lying to me?" he asked, confusion with a hint of hope in his eyes.
"No" I whispered to him while leaning towards him and putting my hand on his cheek. I rubbed his cheek bone and kissed him once again. I've really missed his lips. This kiss was so light and we eventually both started smiling into the kiss. When we pulled away we were both giggling like little school girls.
I'm sorry for taking so long to update guys :[]
All the love - A

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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