Chapter 5

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Cheese opened his eyes he looked out Pinkie's window it was a very nice day. Then an idea Hit him, he trotted downstairs no one was awake. He trotted into the kitchen. He got some things out to make some pancakes. Five minutes later, Cheese flopped one more onto the plate. Mrs. Cake trotted into the room. "Why Cheese, you got up early this morning!" "Yeah... I guess I did." Mrs. Cake smiled "want me to finish those?" "Umm sure." "Tell Pinkie those are for her" Cheese said as he trotted out the door.
Cheese walked up to Twilight's castle. He knocked on the door. A stallion stood at the door, he had an orange coat and his mane was blue, he was a pegasus. "I'm sorry sir, but Princess Twilight will not be disturbed by a stallion like you." The stallion said. Inside Cheese roared in anger, but on the outside he said. "Fine!" And trotted off.

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