Chapter 9

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Pinkie and Rainbow chatted while Cheese went to get some popcorn.
"So Dashie!" Pinkie said with excitement "Do you like anypony? :3"
Rainbow dash turned tomato red. "Wh-what?"
"Ugh stop it" Rainbow covered her face with her hooves.
"Come on Dashie! I know you like somepony.
Just tell your old bud!"
"O-ok maybe I do like so-somepony but I won't tell you in public!"
"Say what in public?" Cheese asked as he trotted over to the mares. "Nothing!" Dash said quickly. Pinkie and Cheese giggled.
A few minutes later, the three ponies sat in the second row. Soon the movie started. In the middle of the movie, Rainbow noticed that Soarin the wonderbolt was sitting in the front row. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh." She whispered. She noticed her face was turning red.

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