Chapter 6

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Flash watched quietly as the stallion walked off. Spike walked up to Flash. "Why are you up so early?" Spike asked. "Ugh, a weirdo came up and wanted to bug the Princess. Spike looked out the door, he watched as Cheese trotted back madly to SugarCube Corner. Spike's eyes widened. "Was he the one you said was a weirdo?" Spike said as he pointed to Cheese. "Yes, weirdo right?" Spike stared at Flash." Ugh sometimes Flash, you can be an idiot" Spike said as he ran after Cheese.
Cheese saw Spike run behind him. "Oh, hey..." Cheese said. "Look I'm sorry about Flash, he didn't know you were friend." "Oh it's ok Spike". "Well Twilight would love to see you!" "Great!" Cheese and Spike got to the castle. Flash gave Spike a glare. "I told you not to bring this idiot in here!" Flash said. Cheese looked at the ground. Spike rolled his eyes and went upstairs, Cheese followed.
"Ok, so let me get this straight, you want to throw a party for Pinkie showing her how much you love her?" Cheese nodded. "Awwwwww!" Twilight shouted. Cheese's face turned a bright pink. "Ok, so what I need you to do is give all your friends a special job to do for the party, and I'll hang with Pinkie." "Ok then!" Twilight said as she got a blank page out. "Thanks for your help Twilight!" Cheese said as he ran out Twilight's door.

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