Chapter 8

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Cheese and Pinkie chatted as they waited for Dash. Cheese told about all the exciting parties he threw in the places he has been. Pinkie told of how tierk took over. Cheese giggled " I know! I saw him. He took my cutie mark" Cheese said. " And then I saw a you!"
"You did?"
" When you went to restore all the earth ponies magic"
" Really! Well I'm sorry I didn't notice you cheeseie!"
"Oh! It's ok"
They both chatted until the bell of the door came through. Cheese and Pink looked at Dash she stood at the door. "Hi dashie!" Pinkie said happily. "Oh! Hey Pinks.... And Cheese. Well you ready to see that movie?"
"YEAH!" Pinkie and Cheese shouted at the same time. A few minutes later the ponies were trotting though the town.

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