chapter 4

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You stared as he walked away in sadness and frustration. Guilt surged throughout your body as you thought about what had just happened. You tried to brush it off because you were just about to have one of the best nights of your life.


((time skip))

Kaminari's house was huge. Sure, you've been there before, but it really came into light when almost everyone had their own bedrooms. The only two who didn't have their own rooms were you and Kirishima, but you had your own separate queen beds. This fact made you let out the internal breath that you'd been holding since Kaminari said that you and Kirishima would have to share a room.

Once everyone got settled in and put their stuff down, it was time to figure out what to do. After a solid ten minutes straight of arguing, you all decided on 'spin the bottle'. Great, you thought as the knot in your stomach tightened again. What were you going to do if the chance of you and Kirishima kissing actually became reality? Your face became a dark shade of pink as you thought about kissing the redhead's soft lips.

"Y/N, quit cosplaying a tomato and sit down with us!" Kaminari says as you realize you have been the only one still standing.

You quickly sit down and the game begins. The Coca-Cola bottle spun around and around and it finally hit Jiro. Jiro spun it again and it lands on Kaminari. You silently cheered as you watched the awkward situation unfold. They both had told you that they liked the other, separately of course.

You pulled out your phone to take a video of the scene that you had been waiting so long for. You were pretty sure that they both wanted to give each other only a small peck, but once their lips collided it was like cupid had shot them both with a bow at the same time. Multiple people had gotten their phones out to record, so you guessed you weren't the only one who wanted to expose them.

Their kiss lasted about ten seconds, but even as an outsider you could tell they both wanted it to last an infinity. They dismissed it as a spin the bottle kiss to everyone who made fun of them for it.

A few more rounds went on and you ended up kissing Mina and Sero. Nobody really cared though, until it spun on Kirishima. He spun the bottle again and it landed on Mina. You were laughing about it until you realized what was happening. The pink and red duo slid in until they were close enough for a kiss, and then their lips touched.

It was then that you felt the same crack in your heart as you did earlier with Bakugo. Like you'd lost something so precious to you. Except this time it was more forceful. After all, what you had been fearing for months was happening in front of your very eyes.

The kiss was shorter than Kaminari and Jiro's, and less passionate and longed for. But, they were still kissing. You tried to brush it off and continue the night, but it was hard.

It was almost three in the morning when you finally had enough and went into your shared room. You laid down on your bed and tried to clear your head. But you only had that moment for about five minutes, as the focus of your thoughts walked into the room.

"Y/N?" he says. It was dark in the room so you could only see his shadow.

"Hi Kirishima," you say with a groggy, almost tear filled voice.

He frowns and goes to sit on his bed, turning on the lamp.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," you say, pulling one of the pillows in your face.

"Are you sure?"

You didn't answer and instead threw your face down on the bed. That definitely didn't help the situation. When you did finally pull your face out of the pillow, he was still sitting on his bed.

"Why did we have to play spin the bottle?" you say.

"You could have said you didn't want to play, you know. We didn't have to,"

"That's not the reason,"

"Then what is it?"

You hesitated as you thought if you should answer or not.

"Why did you kiss Mina?" you say, regretting it.

An awkward silence filled the room. You curled up into a ball and looked down at your knees as you bit your lip to stop the flood of tears waiting to escape.

"It was spin the bottle. You don't think such a manly guy like me would chicken out on something like that, right?" he says with a audible smile.

That made you smile, but also prevented you from stopping the tears. You were laughing and crying at the same time as he came over to your bed and sat down.

"Why is that bothering you?" he says with genuine concern.

You shrugged and looked back down at your knees. You didn't really know either, if you were being completely honest with yourself. It was then when you felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around your confused body. Shock overcame your body, but soon was taken by comfort. He was so close that you could see the details on his skin and each individual eyelash.

Letting go from the ball you were in (both inside and out), you hugged him back. The sensation of never wanting to let go had come back, but this time stronger.

He pushed you down so that your head was on the pillow and he was laying on your chest, still hugging you. You looked in to each other's eyes, seemingly getting lost.

You wrapped your arms tighter around him so that the tip of his head was touching your collarbone. Your chin rested on the back of his head as you began to run your hand through his gelled-up hair.

All of that balled up nervousness you felt around him dissolved in that very moment as his warmth radiated through your body. That sudden difference in emotion almost brought you to tears.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, tight hugs and such. At some point he fell asleep, and you just looked at him. His slightly chapped lips from the cool weather, his long eyelashes, the way his hair was still slightly crusty from the gel, and so, so much more.

Your eyelids were getting heavier, so you shifted yourself in a position that was still comfortable for the both of you. As you closed your eyes, you whispered,

"Why are you so perfect?"


I finally got over 1000 words in a chapter!

this was my favorite chapter to write out of the ones I have written so far because of the amount of emotion i portrayed in it. it was also the longest.

I really really really hope you are enjoying the story so far, and thank you for being patient with release times.

love y'all have a good day/night <333

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